- #1
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Homework Statement
I need to calculate de radiation field produced by a charge moving in a circular loop of radius a, considering the motion is not relativistic and zone of radiation (far field) .
Homework Equations
The scalar potential is:
$$ V=\int \dfrac{\rho(x')}{|x-x'|}d^3x'$$
The potential vector is:
$$ V=\int \dfrac{J(x')}{|x-x'|}d^3x'$$
The Attempt at a Solution
For this case I express the density of charge that $$\rho(x')=\dfrac{q}{2\pi a} \delta(x'-a\cos (wt))\delta(y'-a\cos (wt))\delta(z)$$ and $$J(x')=q (-a\sin(wt)\hat{i}+a\cos(wt)\hat{j})\delta(r'-a)\delta(\theta-\pi/2)$$.
Where t is the retarded time.
This expression for density of current J and charge density ##\rho## are correct?.