Radio story about an actual crackpot

  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member

(The story about the crackpot starts at at the 30:40 mark.)

Act 3 of this episode of This American Life is a story about an actual crackpot, with a crackpot theory, told from the point of view of a friend of said crackpot!

I know everyone knows how this story will progress, since we tend to see it happen in person on PF, but it's still such a well done story that I'd thought it should be posted. I think many people on PF will really appreciate it if they haven't yet heard it. (It's not new. From 2005.)

Oh and the crackpot index makes a cameo!
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  • #2
Wonderful radio episode! It's a bit tragic though...
  • #3
micromass said:
Wonderful radio episode! It's a bit tragic though...

That's the way it goes with crackpots, isn't it? :rolleyes:
  • #4
I remember hearing that story a long time ago. I love "This American Life"!

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