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I am practically getting obssessed with this philosophy/martial art. It is very deep. If anyone here has ever seen the Japanese show, Dragon Ball Z (which I am obessed with as well), it dramatically depicts the idea of the chi (or ki, in Japanese) which is the energy. I could explain the philosophy that pertains to it, but to be succinct, I will set an example. I'm sure you've seen some martial artists fight with blind folds on. How do they do this? No, you don't need to hear their movements or anything, but you sense their energy, their chi. Also, such Shaolin artists have trained themselves to control this chi. So they could be hit with a bat, and it won't harm them as it does us, normal humans so to speak. Mind over matter seems to be the main thing in this philosophy.
okay, here's a link:
What do you think about that?
okay, here's a link:
What do you think about that?