- #1
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Homework Statement
Show that the state:
[itex]|\Psi\rangle=\sum\limits_{m_1\ m_2\ m_3}\begin{pmatrix}
j_1 & j_2 & j_3 \\
m_1 & m_2 & m_3 \\
\end{pmatrix}|j_1\ m_1\rangle |j_2\ m_2\rangle |j_3\ m_3\rangle[/itex]
has the total angular momentum equal to zero.
Homework Equations
There are bunch of formulas for Clebsch - Gordan coefficients and Wigner 3j symbols, but that can be found everywhere.
The Attempt at a Solution
I have absolutely no idea how to start this one :\
I could write explicitly the 3j symbols, but then what?
EDIT: I found in Landau & Lifgarbagez, that this is what you should get for system of 3 particles with total angular momentum 0, but how do I prove that? They left that part out...
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