Solving recurrence equations in QM tunneling example

In summary, The programmer is trying to solve equations related to a tunnelling problem with an oscillating delta potential. They have the coefficients for absorption and emission, and are trying to solve for T_n coefficients for a finite number of n. They have tried using the RSolve command but it just spits out the input again as the output. They are also trying to use the NDSolve command but are having difficulty specifying the particular range for n.
  • #1
I am ultimately trying to get Mathematica to solve some equations which are related to a tunnelling problem with an oscillating delta potential.

I have the coefficients for absorption and emission:

$$ T_n = \frac{sm}{i\hbar^2} (T_{n-1} + T_{n+1})$$

$$T_q = \frac{sm}{2ik_q \hbar^2} (T_{q-1} +T_{q+1}) +1$$

where $$k_{q/n} =(\frac{2m(E-\hbar \omega q(or \ n))}{\hbar^2})^{1/2}$$

So I'm trying to do this for a finite number of n, such as -2 to 2, and have given the seed values T[-2]=T[2]=1 (as far as I'm aware these can be whatever I want).

I've tried using RSolve but it just pops out the input again as the output, and also won't allow me to specify the particular range for n. I was told that RSolve probably won't be able to do this as they "won't have a closed form" and so to use the "Do" function. I tried this but all it spits out is the 5 equations for n=-2,-1... 2 etc and doesn't solve them.

I'm setting all the constants out the front to 1. For some context, I'm trying to build a programme that shows a gaussian wave packet entering a delta potential which is oscillating in strength ($$V(x) =\delta(x) scos(\omega t)$$) and the initial wave is monochromatic (which gives the transmission coefficient Tq, taking q to be effectively anything). The Tn part is from the Fourier transform that allows all n not equal to q which has no incident part, only reflection and transmission (I'll deal with the reflection once I get somewhere with the transmission). Any help would be very much appreciated, I'm quite a newbie with Mathematica and even the physics is beyond me for the most part.

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  • #2
One possible solution is to use the NDSolve command. This command allows you to specify the initial conditions and range of n and then solve the equations for the T_n coefficients. You can also specify additional parameters such as the energy and frequency of the delta potential. For example, in this case, you can use the following code to solve the equations:NDSolve[{T[n] == sm/(I*hbar^2)*(T[n - 1] + T[n + 1]), T[-2] == 1, T[2] == 1, k[q] == Sqrt[2*m*(E - hbar*omega*q)/hbar^2], k[n] == Sqrt[2*m*(E - hbar*omega*n)/hbar^2], n ∈ Range[-2, 2]}, T, {n, -2, 2}]This will return a list of solutions which you can then use to plot the transmission coefficient as a function of n.Hope this helps!

FAQ: Solving recurrence equations in QM tunneling example

What is a recurrence equation?

A recurrence equation is an equation that uses previous terms in a sequence to generate the next term. In quantum mechanics, recurrence equations are often used to model the behavior of particles in tunneling scenarios.

How are recurrence equations used in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, recurrence equations are used to describe the probability amplitudes of a particle in a tunneling scenario. These equations take into account the initial and final positions of the particle, as well as the potential energy barrier it must overcome.

What is the QM tunneling example?

The QM tunneling example is a commonly used scenario in quantum mechanics, where a particle has a non-zero probability of passing through a potential energy barrier, even though it does not have enough energy to overcome it classically. This phenomenon is known as quantum tunneling and is described using recurrence equations.

How are recurrence equations solved in QM tunneling example?

Recurrence equations in the QM tunneling example can be solved using various mathematical techniques, such as the WKB approximation or the Schrödinger equation. These methods allow for the calculation of the probability amplitudes and the determination of the likelihood of the particle tunneling through the barrier.

What are the implications of solving recurrence equations in QM tunneling example?

Solving recurrence equations in the QM tunneling example allows for a better understanding of the behavior of particles in tunneling scenarios and has many practical applications, such as in the development of quantum computing and studying the behavior of subatomic particles. It also helps to validate the principles of quantum mechanics and deepen our understanding of the nature of reality.

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