Survey about Cloning - Gender, Age, Education Questions

  • #1
Leaping antalope
Hi, I am doing a research on cloning. It would be highly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey for me. Thank you!

Basic Information:

1. Gender: 口Male. 口Female.

2. Age: 口Below 20. 口20-30. 口30-40.
口40-50. 口Above 50.

3. Education: 口High school or below. 口University or college.
口Graduate school.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? 口Yes. 口No.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?
口 Yes.
口Other opinions, please specify:

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
口Yes, (choose only one) 口My clone is my offspring. 口My clone is my sibling. 口My clone is not my relative.

口Other feelings toward the clone, please specify:

4. Do you think clones have human rights?
口Yes. 口No.
口Others, please specify:

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
口Yes,because: (you can choose more than one)

口For the sake of scientific development.
口Clones can donate organs.
口Clones can replace dead loved people.
口We can clone people with exceptional talents to increase the standard of humans, such as Einstein or a group of great soldiers.
口There will be more labor forces.
口Medical benefits, such as treatment for cancer and Parkinson’s.
口Others, please specify:

口No, because: (you can choose more than one)

口Uncertainty of science.
口We are going against God/ violating natural rules.
口Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology.
口Possible psychological harms on the clones.
口High cost.
口We will be susceptible to the same disease (Because your clone will have the same genes that you have.)
口We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life.
口We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.
口Others, please specify:

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
口More advantages. 口More disadvantages.

7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
口Ethical/moral issues.
口Scientific issues.
口Religious issues.
口Philosophical issues.
口Others, please specify only one:

8. Do you want to clone yourself?
口Yes 口No

Thank you very much!
Physics news on
  • #2
I'll post my own answers here:

basic info:
1. female
2. below 20
3. high school

1. yes
2. no
3. yes: my clone is my sibling
4. yes
5. No: uncertainty of science, we are violating natural rules, lack of effective controls, psychological harms on clones, lose our uniqueness, should only reproduce organs not an entire human being.
6. More disadvantages
7. ethical/moral issues
8. No.

Other replies/opinions are welcomed...
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  • #3
Basic Information:

1. Gender: Male.

2. Age: Below 20.

3. Education: High school or below.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? Yes.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?

4. Do you think clones have human rights?
I'm not sure...

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
No, because:
We are going against God/ violating natural rules.
Possible psychological harms on the clones.
We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life.
We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
More disadvantages.

7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
Ethical/moral issues.
Religious issues.

8. Do you want to clone yourself?
  • #4
1.) Male
2.) Below 20
3.) High School
4.) Yes
5.) Other: if the cloning procedure doesn't work out, then it is murdering.
6.) Unknown: there needs to be a huge discussion whether a human being is a cloneor not, i can not answer that without some thought.
7.) Yes
8.) No
9.) Uncertainty of science.
We are going against God/ violating natural rules.
Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology.
We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life.
We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.
10.) More disadvantages.
11.) Ethical/moral issues.
12.) No
  • #5
1. Male.
2. Below 20.
3. High School.

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Yes, my clone is my sibling.
4. Yes.
5. No, Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology, Possible psychological harms on the clones, We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.
6. More advantages.
7. Ethical/Moral issues.
8. No.
  • #6
1. Male
2. Below 20
3. High School

1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes, My clone is my sibling
4. Yes
5. No, because We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life, we should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being and we are going against God/ violating natural rules.
6. More disadvantages
7. ethical/moral issues.
8. No
  • #7
Leaping antalope said:
Hi, I am doing a research on cloning. It would be highly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey for me. Thank you!

1. Gender: ?Female.

2. Age: ?30-40.
3. Education: ?Graduate school.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? ?Yes.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
This depends on what stage you allow cloned cells to develop to.

4. Do you think clones have human rights?
Same answer as for 3.

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
?Yes,because: (you can choose more than one)
?For the sake of scientific development.
?Medical benefits, such as treatment for cancer and Parkinson’s.
?We should only reproduce organs and/or cells for medical uses, not an entire human being.

But not yet:
?No, because: (you can choose more than one)
?Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology.
?Others, please specify: insufficient scientific studies to make it safe.

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
?More advantages. ?More disadvantages.
There are advantages and disadvantages.

7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
?Others, please specify only one: Political/legal issues (i.e., regulatory burdens, cost of enforcement of regulations; if used as reproductive cloning, who has custodial rights of cloned children following death or abandonment by the only biological parent.)

8. Do you want to clone yourself?

Sorry, I had to change some of the responses from the choices available. There seemed to be a bias toward assuming we're talking about reproductive cloning in some questions but not others. I'm also not certain if some of the questions about human cloning meant if it were to be done today, or sometime in the future when the technology has been better developed.
  • #8
1. Gender: 口Male.

2. Age: 口30-40.

3. Education: 口University or college.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? 口Yes.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?


3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
4. Do you think clones have human rights?

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
口Others, please specify:
It might (in the future) provide otherwise childless persons with a way to take upon themselves the responsibilities& life experiences associated with parenting.

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
口More advantages.
7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
口Others, please specify only one:
Bigotry against clones as not being equally worthy human beings.
8. Do you want to clone yourself?
  • #9
This is not really answering the survey questions in the manner intended, so if you want to convert my response to a "usable" version, feel free.

I've put my resposes in white, so select it to read.

1. Gender: Male.

2. Age: 20-30.

3. Education: Graduate school.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep?

Yes. Have you heard of Molly, Moragh, Meagan and Polly ?

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?


3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?

Yes, - if you make a clone that grows into a full human

No. - tissue and organs are not human beings

4. Do you think clones have human rights?

Others, please specify: Don't you mean "should have" ?The process of realizing, allowing, making, accepting (or not), restricting (or not), and in general, living with clones among us, will involve (if it happens) a gigantic social evolution. To talk about human rights, is premature.

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?


For the sake of scientific development. (perhaps)

Clones can donate organs. (perhaps)

Clones can replace dead loved people. (no...this is life; get over it)

We can clone people with exceptional talents to increase the standard of humans, such as Einstein or a group of great soldiers. (bad idea; go to school instead...military school, if you like)

There will be more labor forces. (the last thing we need now is to increase global population)

Medical benefits, such as treatment for cancer and Parkinson’s. (perhaps, but I don't know that this needs full human clones)


Uncertainty of science. (rubbish, unless the science/technology involved is uncertain)

We are going against God/ violating natural rules. (not the former...but the latter involves about tricky ecological balance that evolves over millenia, so I'd go with that)

Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology. (no idea about the former, yes to the latter)

Possible psychological harms on the clones. (haven't thought about this)
High cost. (not a reason yet)

We will be susceptible to the same disease (Because your clone will have the same genes that you have.) (poor reasoning)

We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life. (what uniqueness, what values ? this makes no sense to me)

We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being. (until I know more, I think I like this option)

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?

More advantages.

7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)

Scientific issues.

Also social issues.

8. Do you want to clone yourself?


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  • #10
The questions in this survey seem silly.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?
Has anyone ever seriously suggested that an egg is equivalent in some way to a human being?

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
Has anyone ever suggested that a clone, who would have fully human DNA, would somehow not be human? What would it be then? I guess in retrospect maybe it's not a silly question. At various times in history, it has been considered that people weren't full humans and did not have full human rights based on things such as their color or gender.

4. Do you think clones have human rights?
Why exactly would a clone not have them?

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?

Clones can donate organs. - clones are humans and have the right to decline

Clones can replace dead loved people - a clone would be many years younger, raised in a different environment, and likely would be not much like the original at all, even assuming they came out normal since at our current technology level, clones often have some genetic damage if they're viable at all.

We can clone people with exceptional talents to increase the standard of humans, such as Einstein or a group of great soldiers - nature vs. nurture, no guarantees exist of what you're going to get, there's still the fact that it takes a good 20 years of effort to raise the clone to adulthood

There will be more labor forces - why would there be? It takes 20 years to raise a clone to adulthood, which is the same amount of effort to raise a child conceived in the normal way.
  • #11
Moonbear said:
I'm also not certain if some of the questions about human cloning meant if it were to be done today, or sometime in the future when the technology has been better developed.

This survey assumes that there are no technical problems in cloning human beings. I know its a bit silly. But the essay I am writing is about I have to know people's opinions...
  • #12
Vega said:
2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?
Has anyone ever seriously suggested that an egg is equivalent in some way to a human being?
Yes! That is the Catholic Church's official position and the opinion of a great many highly religious people. Its the reason contraception is against Catholic law.

The other issues you had with the survey, I share.
  • #13
Basic Information:

1. Gender: 口Male

2. Age: 口Below 20 (16)

3. Education: 口High school or below.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? 口Yes.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
口My clone is my sibling.

4. Do you think clones have human rights?

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?

口For the sake of scientific development.
口Clones can donate organs.
口Clones can replace dead loved people.
口We can clone people with exceptional talents to increase the standard of humans, such as Einstein or a group of great soldiers.
口There will be more labor forces.
口Medical benefits, such as treatment for cancer and Parkinson’s.
口Others, please specify: I don't agree with the cloning for soldiers, but to make great scientists to cure diseases, then sure.

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
口More advantages.

7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
口Philosophical issues.

8. Do you want to clone yourself?
- Probably not, I might consider it.
  • #14
Basic Information:

1. Male
2. Below 20, 19 to be exact
3. High school grad, Sophmore college student


1. Yes
2. No
3. If it can think for itself, then yes. My clone is my sibling
4. Yes, if, again, they can think for themselves.
5. Yes, for the sake of reasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
6. More advantages
7. Only problem I see is that clones could become slaves. So I guess Ethical/Moral.
8. Yes, sure why not
  • #15
More opinions are welcomed.
  • #16
Basic Information:

1. Gender: Male

2. Age: 20-30

3. Education: College and University


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? No, but I would like to.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?
Um... females have periods every month. Shouldn't they be charged for murder since they are not using up every possible freaking egg available! No, it is not murder. Fact, not opinion.

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
Yes. After reading this question, I have a bad feeling on how we would treat them. i.e. Slavery just because its another race. Racism still exists among the idiots.

4. Do you think clones have human rights?
If your a cloned human, why the hell not? Yes.

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
Yes, because cloning an animal is useless. They all look the same. If anyone mentions the uncertainty in science, see question number 6. I find it hard to believe that people will stand by religion who has been wrong 1*10^10^10 times, while science has been wrong quite a few times, but saved many lives and improved living standards for everyone while at it.

6. More advantages. To say its not would be like agreeing with the "crackpot" who says the stars tell us everything. Stars only tell us how miniscule we are.

7. As long as volunteers and scientists are around to take these experiments, I don't care. Why stop those who save millions of lives everyday from pushing the limits of intelligence?

8. Yes. Because from the above, I'm an ignorant bastard when it comes to the opinion of a religious person. I seem to like that.

Note: I don't understand why people waste their time arguing about this. This takes up a lot of time for the politicians, which is basically taking up all their time doing nothing, but making bias opinions, like me. Politicians should take their time doing more useful things, like discovering emotions. No, I would never participate in a debate of this sort because I would go crazy, but I would love to watch. :biggrin:

Other questions that could better categorize your survey.

The program you are enrolled in, if in College/University.
i.e. This will tell us things like what Arts, Maths, Science, Business, etc... think. Separating them and actually seeing the differences.

Religious or not? (Optional)

I'd recommend to try and categorize the results.

Note: Politicians in Canada are wasting every minute talking about gay marriages. I don't care, let them do whatever. Is it just a coincidence that all issues involve religion? I thought religious people are suppose to be understanding.
  • #17
Please...I need three more...Thanks!
  • #18
And...the first cloned-to-order pet is a 9-week-old cat called Little Nicky. I saw the news just now.
  • #19
Leaping antalope said:
And...the first cloned-to-order pet is a 9-week-old cat called Little Nicky. I saw the news just now.

Little Nicky, as in the Adam Sandler movie? It seems somehow appropriate. :smile:

Anyway, here's my take on it:

Hi, I am doing a research on cloning. It would be highly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey for me. Thank you!

Basic Information:

1. Gender: 口Male.

2. Age: 口30-40.

3. Education: 口University or college.


1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? 口Yes.

2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?

3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
口Other feelings toward the clone, please specify: Philosophically, I think family identity is based more on the environment you're raised in rather than genes, so unless we were raised in the same household, I'd have to consider a clone of myself to be just a person who looked remarkably similar.

4. Do you think clones have human rights?

5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?

口No, because: (you can choose more than one)

口Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology.
口Possible psychological harms on the clones.
口We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.

If I have, let's say, congestive heart failure, and you can clone me a new heart to replace it, that's wonderful. If you have to create a whole person and slaughter them to get me that heart, I think I'd rather just die than live with knowing the price that was paid for my continuing existence. I think that mankind has shown over and over again that we lack the maturity required to responsibly use a technology as powerful as cloning could be.

6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
口More disadvantages. - A LOT of potential in the field. I do believe however, that cloning entire humans (rather than just bits and pieces) is one of the biggest Pandora's boxes our race has ever seen.

7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
口Ethical/moral issues.

8. Do you want to clone yourself?
口No - One is more than enough.

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