- #1
Leaping antalope
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Hi, I am doing a research on cloning. It would be highly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey for me. Thank you!
Basic Information:
1. Gender: 口Male. 口Female.
2. Age: 口Below 20. 口20-30. 口30-40.
口40-50. 口Above 50.
3. Education: 口High school or below. 口University or college.
口Graduate school.
1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? 口Yes. 口No.
2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?
口 Yes.
口Other opinions, please specify:
3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
口Yes, (choose only one) 口My clone is my offspring. 口My clone is my sibling. 口My clone is not my relative.
口Other feelings toward the clone, please specify:
4. Do you think clones have human rights?
口Yes. 口No.
口Others, please specify:
5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
口Yes,because: (you can choose more than one)
口For the sake of scientific development.
口Clones can donate organs.
口Clones can replace dead loved people.
口We can clone people with exceptional talents to increase the standard of humans, such as Einstein or a group of great soldiers.
口There will be more labor forces.
口Medical benefits, such as treatment for cancer and Parkinson’s.
口Others, please specify:
口No, because: (you can choose more than one)
口Uncertainty of science.
口We are going against God/ violating natural rules.
口Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology.
口Possible psychological harms on the clones.
口High cost.
口We will be susceptible to the same disease (Because your clone will have the same genes that you have.)
口We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life.
口We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.
口Others, please specify:
6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
口More advantages. 口More disadvantages.
7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
口Ethical/moral issues.
口Scientific issues.
口Religious issues.
口Philosophical issues.
口Others, please specify only one:
8. Do you want to clone yourself?
口Yes 口No
Thank you very much!
Hi, I am doing a research on cloning. It would be highly appreciated if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey for me. Thank you!
Basic Information:
1. Gender: 口Male. 口Female.
2. Age: 口Below 20. 口20-30. 口30-40.
口40-50. 口Above 50.
3. Education: 口High school or below. 口University or college.
口Graduate school.
1. Have you ever heard of Dolly the sheep? 口Yes. 口No.
2. Human cloning involves a process that removes the nucleus from an egg. Do you consider this process as murdering?
口 Yes.
口Other opinions, please specify:
3. Do you consider a clone to be a human being?
口Yes, (choose only one) 口My clone is my offspring. 口My clone is my sibling. 口My clone is not my relative.
口Other feelings toward the clone, please specify:
4. Do you think clones have human rights?
口Yes. 口No.
口Others, please specify:
5. In your own opinion, do you think we should clone human, yes or no?
口Yes,because: (you can choose more than one)
口For the sake of scientific development.
口Clones can donate organs.
口Clones can replace dead loved people.
口We can clone people with exceptional talents to increase the standard of humans, such as Einstein or a group of great soldiers.
口There will be more labor forces.
口Medical benefits, such as treatment for cancer and Parkinson’s.
口Others, please specify:
口No, because: (you can choose more than one)
口Uncertainty of science.
口We are going against God/ violating natural rules.
口Lack of effective controls/ possible abuse of cloning technology.
口Possible psychological harms on the clones.
口High cost.
口We will be susceptible to the same disease (Because your clone will have the same genes that you have.)
口We will lose our uniqueness and the values of life.
口We should only reproduce organs for medical uses, not an entire human being.
口Others, please specify:
6. Overall, do you think cloning technology has……?
口More advantages. 口More disadvantages.
7. Please check the most serious problem or impact you think human cloning technology will bring to us. (Please check only one.)
口Ethical/moral issues.
口Scientific issues.
口Religious issues.
口Philosophical issues.
口Others, please specify only one:
8. Do you want to clone yourself?
口Yes 口No
Thank you very much!