The Resilience of Daffodils: Surviving Winter's Wrath

  • Thread starter Jimmy Snyder
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In summary, the conversation revolves around a daffodil that is trying to survive in the winter. The speakers express concern for the daffodil's well-being and discuss its resilience. One suggests keeping it company to help it through the cold, while another shares a personal experience with daffodils surviving a winter blast.
  • #1
Jimmy Snyder
There is a daffodil poking its fool head up through the snow in my back yard. I sure hope it doesn't freeze to death in the dark with no friends around. No one to keep it company as its fragile life ebbs hopelessly away in vain. A beautiful life extinguished in the dawning when patience would have given it a happy future. What a dork.
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  • #2
Aww they are tuffer then you give them credit for. The mighty Narcissus!
  • #3
hypatia said:
Aww they are tuffer then you give them credit for. The mighty Narcissus!
I hope so. I'd hate to see this gore among the bushes be nipped in the bud as it were.
  • #4
Well you could always go sit outside with it, keep it company in its battle against the winter. We had a very warm spell one winter in Jan. My dafodils had even set bud, which they held even when the winter blast returned. They bloomed their little hearts out by early spring.

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