- #1
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Homework Statement
Translate the following sentences into propositional or predicate logic. Use the shorthand
symbols (e.g. [itex]\vee[/itex]) and define the meaning of each of your predicates and propositional variables. Be sure to include a domain (aka replacement set) for each quantified variable. You may need to rewrite the sentences slightly so as to make a variable more explicit.
"Irrational numbers have decimal expansions that neither terminate nor become
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Since the predicate refers to the decimal expansion of irrational numbers, I don't know whether to (a) declare/quantify a variable that represents the decimal expansion of an irrational number, or to (b) declare/quantify a variable that represents an irrational number.
T(x) is "d terminates".
P(x) is "d becomes periodic".
D is the set of all decimal expansions of irrational numbers.
[itex]\left(\forall d \in D\right)\left(\neg T(d) \wedge \neg P(d)\right)[/itex]
D(x) is “x has a decimal expansion”.
T(D(x)) is “the decimal expansion of x terminates”.
P(D(x)) is “the decimal expansion of x becomes periodic”.
I is the set of all irrational numbers.
[itex]\left(\forall x \in I\right)\left( D(x) \wedge \neg T(D(x)) \wedge \neg P(D(x)) \right)[/itex]