Understanding Real Gas Behavior: Deviations from Ideal Gas Equation

  • Thread starter rumaithya
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This behavior is not accounted for in the ideal gas equation and deviates from it due to intermolecular forces. The behavior of real gases cannot be predicted entirely by the ideal gas equation.
  • #1
If you had continued to reduce the temperature of your real gas in this experiment (air mixture of mostly nitrogen and oxygen) to lower and lower temperatures, you would observe sudden drops in pressure at 90 K and 77 K. In other words, the behavior of the real gas would deviate significantly from the predicted straight-line behavior of the ideal gas equation determined in Question 3 and your extrapolated graph. Why ? [Hint: Consider what happens to water vapor(H2O(g)) when it is cooled to 0.0 C.]

Could anyone explain this, please ?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Question 3

Where is this mysterious question 3...
  • #3
Phase change

The temperatures 77 & 90 °K correspond to the liquefaction (boiling points) of Oxygen & Nitrogen respectively.

The pressure drops due to the removal of gas molecules from the vapour phase into the more condensed phase of liquid.