Wave/particle duality possibility

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  • #1
I had a idea since where starting fresh.what if waves and particles acted as one instead of one at ant given time.what if a particle had a force acting on it from both sides of it as it travelled.since waves travel in curved paths i want to try to make particles travel in curved paths.up and down,if a particle had a force acting on it from both sides as the particle traveled on it downward motion being pulled by this force,as it was traveling down the force acting on it from above would attract it and would stop its downward motion and pull it back up until the force from below did the same thing.what if spacetime has the ability to give a particle in motion resistance to it,the higher the frequency of the wave the more energy it carries,thus the more resistance it has to spacetime,the more it forces the wave or particle into a curved path,the same is true at lower frequencies,the lower the frequency the less energy it has the less it restist motion the less curved the particles motion.if this were true it would be safe to say that particles traveling at light speed are traveling faster that light.if you where to shretch out the frequency into a line and measure it the actual distance the particle traveled would be greater that the speed of light.since particles traveling at light speed is my focus here,when a particle gains more energy than it needs to subtain its motion the extra energy it has actually creates the curved path of the particle as the energy is used instead of forward motion,sideways motion as it moves forward.so what I am trying to get at is that the energy it has can allow it to travel faster than light so it travels as a wave instead,so the distance it travels as a wave stretch out into a straight line would equal the distance it would be moving it it could go faster than light unimpeaded.[zz)]
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  • #2
now the only thign that's need to make this work,is when light passes though a slit or anything else,the particles traveling though change their course and propagate as a wave again,and this could be caused by when the light is horizontally or vertically polozrized,as the light is moving up or down or sideways relavent to each other as photons,there motions hitting one another knock them off there course by there own interaction.forcing them to divert from a straight line though the slit,this made account for lights wave properties
  • #3
this could account for the red shift effect.as a light source emitts light from a moving object,light stays constant,but the light leaving in front of it or from behind it,adds or subtracts energy from the light frequency as it translates into distance the photon travels as a wave equal to the adding or subtracting of the motion of the object,which is a few hertz either way,this might account for the red shift.
  • #4
if lights resistance to forward motion can cause a photon to travel in a curved path,making light oscillate into fequencies,based on how much energy they have.light would be traveling faster than light speed,because if you strech out to curved motion of the frequecy the photons travelling,every frequency would change the overall distances the photons actually travel.

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