What are some formulas for calculating humid air density?

In summary, there are four formulas that can be used to calculate the humid air density based on air pressure, temperature, and dew point (or relative humidity). These include the Goff-Gratch Formula, the Magnus Formula, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, and the Buck Equation. Each formula uses different variables and constants, so it is important to use the correct formula for the specific situation.
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Robert James Liguori
I'm trying to compile a complete list of available humid air density formulas that work with air pressure, temperature and dew point (or RH).

If you know any, please advise.

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1. Goff-Gratch Formula: ρ = P/[(Rd*Td) + (Rv*Tv)]Where: ρ = Humid air density (kg/m3)P = Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)Rd = Gas constant for dry air (287.05 J/kgK)Td = Dry bulb temperature (K)Rv = Gas constant for water vapor (461.5 J/kgK)Tv = Virtual temperature (K)2. Magnus Formula:ρ = P/RT * [1 + 0.62198*w/(P - w)]Where:ρ = Humid air density (kg/m3)P = Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)R = Gas constant for dry air (287.05 J/kgK)T = Temperature (K)w = Saturation Mixing Ratio (kg/kg)3. Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures:ρ = P/RT * [1 + (0.622*w/P)]Where: ρ = Humid air density (kg/m3)P = Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)R = Gas constant for dry air (287.05 J/kgK)T = Temperature (K)w = Water vapor pressure (Pa)4. Buck Equation:ρ = P/[(Rd*T) + (Rv*Td)]Where: ρ = Humid air density (kg/m3)P = Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)Rd = Gas constant for dry air (287.05 J/kgK)T = Temperature (K)Rv = Gas constant for water vapor (461.5 J/kgK)Td = Dew point temperature (K)