What are the applications of Nonstandard Analysis in mathematical physics?

  • Thread starter MathematicalPhysicist
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the use and applications of NSA (non-standard analysis) in mathematical physics, specifically in the areas of differential equations, analysis of singularities, resolution methods, and bifurcation. The conversation also mentions two different perspectives on NSA, the Robinson point of view and the internal set theory of Nelson.
  • #1
Gold Member
can someone please provide a link to an ebook about nsa?

what are the application of this theory in mathematical physics?

thanks in advance.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
To find books about NSA is very difficult. Now, you want the Robinson point of view or the internal set theory of Nelson?
In math. physics they are used for differential equations and the analysis of singularirties, as well as resolution mmethods and bifurcation.
  • #3
Originally posted by rutwig
Now, you want the Robinson point of view or the internal set theory of Nelson?
could you please ellaborate about them both?
  • #4
Originally posted by loop quantum gravity
could you please ellaborate about them both?

The work of Robinson is the analysis made with infinitesimals, while the Nelson IST is an extension of the ZF-axioms (plus choice axiom).