- #1
When we think about first world nations and world leaders in politics, ethics, economics, and science, we think of Western nations that are built on democracy, human rights, and freedom. But now we are facing a new situation where the prospective new world leader will spread its influence while standing on a foundation based on political authoritarianism/monarchism, coercive population control (forced abortions, forced sterilizations, one-child policy, state-sponsored eugenics), ethnic nationalism (racial exclusion for immigration and citizenship, complete rejection of multiculturalism, persecution of gays, etc.), a complete rejection of human rights (denial of religious freedom/gay rights/political expression, media censorship and criminalizing possession and viewing of Western television shows, criminalization of sexual self-determination/pornography, etc.), and political alliances with other evil nations such as Iran, North Korea, and Russia.
What are your thoughts about the possibility of having your whole lives turned upside down by a realigning of world power based on ideologies you have your whole lives rejected?
What are your thoughts about the possibility of having your whole lives turned upside down by a realigning of world power based on ideologies you have your whole lives rejected?
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