What Exactly Is Smell?

In summary, smell is the sense of detecting chemical tracers through sensors in the nose. It is considered the most primitive of all the senses and is closely related to taste. Smell can trigger strong emotional reactions and is important for survival in animals. Scientists have conducted extensive research on the sense of smell, but there is still much to be discovered about its exact nature.
  • #1
Science Advisor
First of all, what exactly is smell? It seems to me to be one of the most powerfull forces on earth. Think about it, what else will clear a crowded room quicker then strategely placed stink bombs?

Seriously though, has anyone ventured out far enough as to discover what exactly smell is?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3
Smell/taste is the most primative (in terms of origins) of all the senses. Even bacteria smell/taste their environment. It is the chemical sensory organ/sense. Though we differentiate smell and taste, for the sake of this discussion, I am considering the same.

Smell, being most primative, is the quickest to illicit a powerful emotional or attractive/repulsive reaction. Unlike intense light and sound, smell illicits no pain reactions, but still triggers a powerful repulsive reaction (in cases of repulsive smells). A smell can trigger a memory quicker and more reliably than any other sense. For most animals, smell is considered one of the most important senses, used for hunting, avoiding predators, finding mates, and identifying friends.
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  • #4
I think I read somewhere that there are two ways a man can smell. One will be like a girl's father/brother etc., and they won't be sexually attracted to that one. They'll love the other one, though...
  • #5
Originally posted by radagast
Smell/taste is the most primative (in terms of origins) of all the senses. Even bacteria smell/taste their environment. It is the chemical sensory organ/sense. Though we differentiate smell and taste, for the sake of this discussion, I am considering the same.


I don't follow what you mean when
you say smell/taste is the most
primitive of sences in terms of
origins. I think the word "prim-
itive" is bothering me.

Although it is easy to see that
taste and smell are more closely
related than, for example, vision
and smell, I don't believe it is
accurate to regard them as the
same sence, for the sake of this
discussion. How do you arrive at
the conclusion they can be regard-
ed as the same sence? What is the
similarity? My concern is that you
are oversimplifying things.

  • #6
Originally posted by megashawn
Seriously though, has anyone ventured out far enough as to discover what exactly smell is?

I'm not sure if you mean PF post-
ers or biologists. If you mean the latter then you would be aston-
ished at how much research has
gone into all of our sences.Not
just the five that are commonly
ticked off when naming the sences
but a few more people don't even
realize they have. (I don't mean

It is interesting that a lot of
money is spent researching the
sence of smell for purely com-
mercial reasons by perfume compan-
ies. Much of this research is guarded as an industrial secret.


FAQ: What Exactly Is Smell?

What is the power of smell?

The power of smell refers to the ability of our sense of smell to detect and interpret various scents and odors in our environment. It is one of our five primary senses and plays a crucial role in our daily lives.

How does our sense of smell work?

Our sense of smell works through the detection of chemical molecules in the air. These molecules enter our nose and bind to olfactory receptors, which then send signals to the brain for interpretation. Our brain then identifies the scent based on past experiences and memories.

What are the benefits of having a strong sense of smell?

A strong sense of smell can have numerous benefits, including enhancing our enjoyment of food and drinks, alerting us to potential dangers or hazards, and triggering memories and emotions. It can also aid in detecting illnesses and helping us to identify different objects and people.

Can our sense of smell be improved?

Yes, our sense of smell can be improved through practice and exposure to different scents. Regularly using our sense of smell can help to sharpen it, and certain activities such as smelling essential oils or participating in smell-based memory games can also improve our olfactory abilities.

What are some interesting facts about the power of smell?

One interesting fact is that our sense of smell is closely linked to our sense of taste. Another is that women tend to have a better sense of smell than men. Additionally, our sense of smell is believed to be connected to our emotions and can trigger memories and associations with certain scents.
