What school for studies in quantum measurement + entanglement?

In summary, to find the best fit for your graduate studies in the field of foundational quantum mechanics, it is important to thoroughly research and consider the faculty, course offerings, and networking opportunities at different graduate schools.
  • #1
Hello, another graduate school advising situation.

Well, like everyone else (almost), i am interested in possibility of TOK and the like;
however, since I am more of a humian empiricist I typically become bitterly skeptical of String-theory and Branes and such. Since in my opinion those theories seem more hopelessly metaphysical than realphysical. I know I could be completely ignorant (which a large part I am) but I am more inspired by the writings of J.S. Bell, de Broglie, Bohm, and others.

I want to continue my studies and begin my theoretical research in very strict formalized quantum mechanics and study problems about the boundary of quantum and macroscopic world. I'm interested in study of entanglement, instantaneous wave function collapsing, and questions of completeness in quantum theory. Hence, my interests are foundational, but I am not comfortable with turns physics has taken.

I'm only in my 4th semester, I hope to graduate in 7. I am already taking advanced classical mechanics and quantum mechanics, and next year i will probably take real analysis, maybe abstract algebra, statistical dynamics and thermo, and intermediate E&M. GPA wise I am not please with myself, since i have the tendency to peak one semester and do mediocre the next. So let's say i won't be much higher than a 3.8 at best at the end of my schooling (I made a lot of mistakes early on like loading up on too many classes, and I did not learn how to study in high school so i suffered GPA wise) to a 3.5 to my worst. Right now I am in limbo because its hard to tell whether I will get an A or a C in classical mechanics, contingent on whether or not i choke like i did at first. But to my advantage i should be able to finish early and complete an honors project in my 7th semester and graduate with an honorary degree.

So now for the obligatory restatement of the question, given my situation and goals what school or to be more specific under whom do i pursue to study?
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  • #2
Given your situation and goals, it is important to do some research on the various graduate schools you are considering. Look at each school's faculty and their research focus, as this will help you identify which professors are more closely aligned with your interests in foundational quantum mechanics. You should also look at each school's offerings in terms of classes and opportunities for research. This will help you determine which school provides the best environment for achieving your goals. It would also be beneficial to reach out to faculty members at the schools you are interested in. Ask them about their research areas and if they are open to taking on a student with your interests. Additionally, if possible, try to attend conferences or seminars related to your field of interest. This will give you the opportunity to network and meet potential advisors or mentors who can provide guidance throughout your graduate studies.
  • #3

I would first like to commend you for your passion and interest in the field of quantum mechanics and measurement. It is a complex and fascinating area of study that requires dedication and perseverance. Based on your stated interests, I would recommend looking into graduate programs that specialize in quantum measurement and entanglement, such as the University of Colorado Boulder's Quantum Measurement and Control group or the University of Waterloo's Institute for Quantum Computing. These programs have a strong focus on foundational research and offer courses and opportunities for research in areas such as entanglement and wave function collapse. Additionally, you could also consider reaching out to professors or researchers in these areas whose work you admire and inquire about potential graduate programs or opportunities to work with them. Lastly, I would also suggest focusing on improving your GPA and honing your study skills, as these will be important factors in your graduate school application. Best of luck in your studies and research endeavors!

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