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Bush is set to speak to the US and World at 8:00pm EST on what he plans to do with Iraq.
Godwin's Law prov. [Usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress.
There was a machine designed for shredding plastic. Men were dropped into it and we were again made to watch. Sometimes they went in head first and died quickly. Sometimes they went in feet first and died screaming. It was horrible. I saw 30 people die like this. Their remains would be placed in plastic bags and we were told they would be used as fish food . . . on one occasion, I saw Qusay [President Saddam Hussein’s youngest son] personally supervise these murders.”
Many Iraqis wonder why the world applauded the military intervention that eventually rescued the Cambodians from Pol Pot and the Ugandans from Idi Amin when these took place without UN help. They ask why the world has ignored the crimes against them?
This seems to be only the apparent reason for the war against Iraq.Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
I think the real difference is that bush is calling for saddam and his sons to leave. If they do, they war is over, that's it.
I would bet a whole lot that if they could have, they would have. We've basically said as much:And another thing, if Bush really wanted Saddam and his son, they could simply assasin them, there is no need to make a fuss about it and make a whole war and kill millions of innocent people for two guys!
Sen. Fitzgerald recently told the Chicago press that "I have personally talked to the president about this and if we had intelligence on where he was now, and we had a clear shot to assassinate him, we would probably do that. President Bush would probably sign an executive order repealing the executive order put in place by President Ford that forbid the assassination of foreign leaders... He told me that aboard Air Force One." He quickly followed with "I assumed he (Bush) had said that somewhere else. But maybe if he didn't say that anywhere else, I shouldn't have said that just now."
Originally posted by STAii
This seems to be only the apparent reason for the war against Iraq.
First of all if Saddam is actually a bad guy (in whatever way you want), Bush (and US) don't have the right to take him off, the US is supposed to be a country, not the ruler of the world that decides who should be were.
And another thing, if Bush really wanted Saddam and his son, they could simply assasin them, there is no need to make a fuss about it and make a whole war and kill millions of innocent people for two guys !
And lastly, it seems US is changing the reason of the war each day (depending on the new changes), so at first US wanted to invade Iraq only for the mass destuction weapons, but now that they didn't find any mass destruction weapons, they are making the war saying they want Saddam out of there.
It is obvious that all they want is the to end a country that was once powerful, and the Iraqi Oil of course.
Originally posted by FZ+
I would like to see evidence that Saddam is a continued threat to his people, not details of offences from sources that are over 12 years out of date.
Notice the lack of mention of any incidents after 1991, especially regarding the quote. UK government sources also had a bad record recently as it was revealed that a document detailing alleged current human rights offences was found to be over 12 years old.For more than 20 years, senior Iraqi officials have committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. This list includes far more than the gassing of 5,000 in Halabja and other villages in 1988. It includes serial war crimes during the Iran-Iraq war; the genocidal Anfal campaign against the Iraqi Kurds in 1987-88; the invasion of Kuwait and the killing of more than 1,000 Kuwaiti civilians; the violent suppression, which I witnessed, of the 1991 Kurdish uprising that led to 30,000 or more civilian deaths; the draining of the Southern Marshes during the 1990s, which ethnically cleansed thousands of Shias; and the summary executions of thousands of political opponents.
Now, notice how (a) many of these organisations are anti-war. Amnesty Internation for example criticises not the Iraq action but the use of UN sanctions as the main cause of suffering. Iran was at war with Iraq, and commited human rights offences itself in the same war. Further, the final part ignores the fact that it was the US who strongly opposed a international human rights court, and that the current opposition were hardly the only ones against the war crimes tribune. (Amnesty having called on the UK government to support such a move in vain for 12 years)All these crimes have been recorded in detail by the UN, the US, Kuwaiti, British, Iranian and other Governments and groups such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty and Indict. Yet the Security Council has failed to set up a war crimes tribunal on Iraq because of opposition from France, China and Russia.