Which Electives Are Best for an Embedded Systems Career?

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I'm beginning to look into my electives for junior/senior year. My career goal is to be an Embedded Systems/Software Engineer involving RTOS, device drivers, microcontrollers etc. I have two sets of electives, need 2 classes from each set. In each set, I separated the courses into those that are CE and EE prefix courses for clarification. I'm just wondering if I can get some professional embedded software engineer/computer engineer input on which would be my best selection. The EE courses would require me to take an additional preparatory course, but I guess that's not too much if it prepares me better.

1st set:
Principles of Programming Languages
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
Signals & Systems
Random Signal Analysis2nd set:
Embedded Systems
Compiler Construction
Operating System Internals
Distributed Software Development
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Software Analysis and Design
Real-Time DSP Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Communication Systems
Feedback Systems
Computer-Controlled Systems
other CS/CE courses(I don't believe these are quite as relevant, but not entirely sure)
Multimedia Information Systems
Database Management
Theory of Formal Languages
Software QA and Testing
Information Assurance
Computer Systems Security
Computer Network Security
Computer Graphics
Intro Artificial Intelligence
Numerical Linear Algebraic Data Exploration
Shape Analysis for Computer Vision and Graphics
Social Media Mining
Mobile Application Development... from the first set I think the signals classes are more relevant but am not sure if i really need them. On the 2nd set, Embedded Systems Programming is probably an obvious choice but for the 2nd one I am kinda stumped..these seem most relevant: Real-Time DSP Systems, Computer-Controlled Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Feedback Systems...leaning towards taking Real_Time DSP Systems.??... I've thought about pattern recognition/radar systems so Shape Analysis for Computer Vision and Graphics or Multimedia Information Systems may also be relevant.
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