Which Textbooks Are Best for Biochemistry Majors?

  • #1
Hi there,

I found this site while looking for the "best" textbooks in various disciplines. I am majoring in biochemistry, but I rarely buy textbooks. I usually download (torrent) them because I am unsure of their quality and reputation, and I am also usually quite broke. However, I do want to start collecting some textbooks to use for reference, refreshing old material, and self-teaching. From what I've read around here so far I've put the following books on my list:

General Chemistry - by Linus Pauling

Calculus Made Easy - by Silvanus P. Thompson

The Feynman Lectures on Physics - by Richard P. Feynman

Campbell Biology - by Jane B. Reece, et al.

I am still looking for good / classics texts for Organic Chemistry, Genetics and Biochemistry. I already have a Physical Chemistry textbook by Thomas Engel but I'm open to selling it and getting something else.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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