Who like to scream anti-American

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So, are we all really anti-American?

  • You really ARE all anti-American.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • The regular "anti-American!" cray is a defence mechanism.

    Votes: 8 72.7%

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  • #1
who like to scream "anti-American!"

Why is it that anyone who mentions anything negative about the USA, or any aspect of the USA, is considered "anti-American"? I, for example, tend to post the news a lot for general discussion. Reporting a fact that makes Americans fel bad is not anti-anything; it is merely reporting the facts.

For those of you who like to scream "anti-American!" when presented with disturbing facts, I would like you to consider something. Are we all really anti-Amwerican? Or are you displaying a knee-jerk reflex as some form of defence mechanism, do you need to denounce those who present facts as a means of maintaining faith in your government/nation?
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  • #2
Reporting a fact that makes Americans fel bad is not anti-anything; it is merely reporting the facts.
Individual facts don't suggest anything, but when the vast majority of facts someone chooses to post are anti-america, its not unreasonable to consider the person anti-american. Balance is important for objectivity.
  • #3

Originally posted by Adam
Why is it that anyone who mentions anything negative about the USA, or any aspect of the USA, is considered "anti-American"? I, for example, tend to post the news a lot for general discussion. Reporting a fact that makes Americans feel bad is not anti-anything; it is merely reporting the facts.
That's a good question. In the case of war I consider it the ultimate political trump card. Nothing brings the sheep together like fear. They will sacrifice their own children to keep themselves out of harms way. The 'collective' mindset is put full into play and dissenters must beware.

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  • #4
Originally posted by russ_watters
Individual facts don't suggest anything, but when the vast majority of facts someone chooses to post are anti-america, its not unreasonable to consider the person anti-american. Balance is important for objectivity.

Did you everything that protestors are balancing the pro-war propaganda and lies with some much-needed truth?
  • #5
well i am not antiamerican ..
i am anti american soliders and anti american rulers but not people
  • #6

I only know you from this forum. Based on what you post, it would be most reasonable to assume that you are ardently anti-American. Maybe you do lots of other things that, if I knew of them, would make me think otherwise. I don't know of them though. Your posts are usually extremely critical of America. They are often false, or use truth in a misleading manner. Other than advocating violence against America, what could one do on this forum to be more anti-American than you?

  • #7
I would say that mainstream America is pretty conservative and such folks are not particularly well traveled or well read. They are pleasant folks, tolerant in a stifling sort of way They are prepared to listen to what you have to say so long as it does not seem to criticize their country, its dominant religion, its economic system, the president or the country's foreign policy. Criticism of any of those areas is taken by mainstream folks to be anti-American, especially when it's coming from a foreigner and/or when the country is at war..

The debate in Europe and probably elsewhere outside America is a lot livelier, more divided and diverse and a heck of a lot more cynical. Mainstream, conservative America still has that innocence which regards America as the doer of all good things and incapable of doing bad. They also firmly believe that god is on their side.
  • #8
Why is it that anyone who mentions anything negative about the USA, or any aspect of the USA, is considered "anti-American"? I, for example, tend to post the news a lot for general discussion. Reporting a fact that makes Americans fel bad is not anti-anything; it is merely reporting the facts.

What a joke. "it is merely reporting facts" yeah right. When you specifically attack the president, American Military, and when you and kyleb go into the SUPPORT OUR TROOPS THREAD and do the EXACT OPPOSITE that! is anti american!
  • #9
Originally posted by N_Quire
I would say that mainstream America is pretty conservative and such folks are not particularly well traveled or well read. They are pleasant folks, tolerant in a stifling sort of way They are prepared to listen to what you have to say so long as it does not seem to criticize their country, its dominant religion, its economic system, the president or the country's foreign policy. Criticism of any of those areas is taken by mainstream folks to be anti-American, especially when it's coming from a foreigner and/or when the country is at war..

The debate in Europe and probably elsewhere outside America is a lot livelier, more divided and diverse and a heck of a lot more cynical. Mainstream, conservative America still has that innocence which regards America as the doer of all good things and incapable of doing bad. They also firmly believe that god is on their side.

These generalizations are ridiculous. I'm not even sure where to begin.
  • #10
i am anti american soliders and anti american rulers but not people

Why? you did not give any reason.
  • #11
Originally posted by MSI
well i am not antiamerican ..
i am anti american soliders and anti american rulers but not people
American Soldiers and politicians are people tooooo:wink:
Well...soldiers are at any rate...ho ho
  • #12
Did you everything that protestors are balancing the pro-war propaganda and lies with some much-needed truth?
Not a complete sentence Zero, but let me give it a shot: You're saying the protesters are adding balance by showing the 'other side' not shown by the "pro-war propaganda"? I reject the idea that those protestors deal in any way with facts. Ever hear an interview? The things they say are astounding. The kind of people that go to those protests are so far removed from reality that they cannot say anthing to add "balance." Unless of course we need something to balance out an excess of sanity.

And "propaganda"? No. There is no US government or media propagand machine operating in the US. Now those protestors on the other hand...

Seriously. I'll find the website for you with interviews. Its unbelievable the ideas floating around in these people's heads.
  • #13
Originally posted by russ_watters
Not a complete sentence Zero, but let me give it a shot: You're saying the protesters are adding balance by showing the 'other side' not shown by the "pro-war propaganda"? I reject the idea that those protestors deal in any way with facts. Ever hear an interview? The things they say are astounding. The kind of people that go to those protests are so far removed from reality that they cannot say anthing to add "balance." Unless of course we need something to balance out an excess of sanity.

And "propaganda"? No. There is no US government or media propagand machine operating in the US. Now those protestors on the other hand...

Seriously. I'll find the website for you with interviews. Its unbelievable the ideas floating around in these people's heads.

Your post is rather astounding as well...we don't appear to live on teh same planet whatsoever.
  • #14
Originally posted by russ_watters
Not a complete sentence Zero, but let me give it a shot: You're saying the protesters are adding balance by showing the 'other side' not shown by the "pro-war propaganda"? I reject the idea that those protestors deal in any way with facts. Ever hear an interview? The things they say are astounding. The kind of people that go to those protests are so far removed from reality that they cannot say anthing to add "balance." Unless of course we need something to balance out an excess of sanity.

And "propaganda"? No. There is no US government or media propagand machine operating in the US. Now those protestors on the other hand...

Seriously. I'll find the website for you with interviews. Its unbelievable the ideas floating around in these people's heads.

To be fair Russ, if a reporter happened to put a microphone in front of a protester, and that protester began a lengthy rational discussion of why the war was wrong, would it make the news? Remember, reporters who interview protesters work for the local TV news. They aren't really professional reporters. They are petty little scandal-mongers. They want 5 seconds of vitriol, not logic.

There is a propaganda machine in this country, as there should be. Propaganda is not necessarily lies. It is speech unashamedly in furtherance of a cause. If our government can further the cause of victory in war by using words, as opposed to killing a few more Iraqis, it should certainly do this. The press, however, should not be part of this machine. It should cover the propaganda, disecting it with a skeptical eye, but not partake of it.

  • #15
Originally posted by Njorl
To be fair Russ, if a reporter happened to put a microphone in front of a protester, and that protester began a lengthy rational discussion of why the war was wrong, would it make the news?
Damn, I need to go find that. It wasn't a real reporter, it was just some guy with a video camera asking them specific questions. And no, those kinds of things do NOT make the news. I'll work on finding that tonight.
  • #16
To be fair Russ, if a reporter happened to put a microphone in front of a protester, and that protester began a lengthy rational discussion of why the war was wrong, would it make the news?

Something similar to that has been on and several times it has been college kids who where protesting the war before they started. They interviewed a few of the protestors. They thought the war had already begun. Like a week before it started. D'oh!
  • #17
Originally posted by Zero
Your post is rather astounding as well...we don't appear to live on teh same planet whatsoever.
Heh, I missed that one before. Yeah, I agree. We live on completely different worlds.

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