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My landlord came to pick the rent money this week end. I asked him for his account number so I could transfer him the money but he told me that he didn't have one (which was obviously a lie). I didn't think much of it and the next day I gave him the money in cash, with intentionally adding a $5 extra in there (the rest was in $10's and $20's). I put the $5 on top so it was unmissable. He counted the money and told me everything was there. That revealed him dishonest once again since it's impossible he had counted the right amount of money with the $5 in there, even had he miscounted the number of 10's or the number of 20's. And then I realized: he wants me to pay in cash so he can avoid taxation over the amount. I am kind of ticked off by the fact and now I'm ambivalent as to what I should do. Report him? I'd have to find alternative housing accommodation first. I'm also unsure; who's at fault, him or the both of us?
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