Will Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore be removed from the bench?

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  • #1
Judge Suspended Yes!

From CNN

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore was suspended Friday pending the outcome of an ethics complaint for defying a court order to move a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Supreme Court. Alabama's state judicial board of inquiry could refer the case to Alabama judicial court, which could punish Moore, up to removal from the bench.

As an atheist I say: "WE SHALL OVERCOME"

Everyone keep tuned to the news because they're going to rip the monument out and haul it away to the dump, and the religious nuts are saying they're going to riot. This will be better than Springer :)

Like Sinead said, fight the real enemy!
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  • #2
Hah, I knew there had to be something we wouldn't butt heads on.

Thats good news, but really insignificant. It's just going to piss ppl off and convince them even more the end of the world is near.
  • #3
Originally posted by megashawn
Hah, I knew there had to be something we wouldn't butt heads on.

Thats good news, but really insignificant. It's just going to piss ppl off and convince them even more the end of the world is near.

I don't know the S.C. has made a lot of great logical decisions, and it's a small step.

The next big one is the "under god" thing. If they were to rule properly on that one, boy will that be a party eh?
  • #4
this should be a thread in the political forum...
  • #5
Well I didn't see the news section. But this has little to do with politics! Government isn't politics until someone lies to gain control :)
  • #6
Actually they are talking about simply moving it to another room that way the religous people would not be able to stop it and it would meet legal requirements so the atheists can't stop it. Sounds fair to me.
  • #7
I look forward to his removal...he swore an oath to uphold the law, and he broke that oath, therefore he shouldn't be a judge.
  • #8
In a victory for religious liberty, teh monument has been removed...YAY!
  • #9
I can't wait til all Judeo-Christian symbols are removed from governmental things, including money. The money gets to me the most, since it is the part of the US that travels around the world.
  • #10
Originally posted by Pirwzwhomper
I can't wait til all Judeo-Christian symbols are removed from governmental things, including money. The money gets to me the most, since it is the part of the US that travels around the world.

No one has yet to bring this up. It takes lawyers who want to fight a case, and perhaps those who can fund it - for it to be looked at seriously. This is how the "ten" issue and the "under god" issue became big. We will surely win the "under god" issue, the supreme court has merely set this aside because of political issues so they can enact the change at a less "emotional" time for our country. I have confidence in them.

So once someone gets a group to challenge this it will hit the S.C. and it's history from there.
  • #11
Originally posted by Pirwzwhomper
I can't wait til all Judeo-Christian symbols are removed from governmental things, including money. The money gets to me the most, since it is the part of the US that travels around the world.
Yeah...kind of embarassing, isn't it? I tend to cross it out when I have the time.
  • #12
Originally posted by Zero
Yeah...kind of embarassing, isn't it? I tend to cross it out when I have the time.

sick. what twisted minds, so very far from the truth. i think i feel more pity than scorn. you know not what you say.
  • #13
Originally posted by dschou
sick. what twisted minds, so very far from the truth. i think i feel more pity than scorn. you know not what you say.

No one agrees on the truth...which is why religious speech should not be made by the government.
  • #14
Yeah...kind of embarassing, isn't it? I tend to cross it out when I have the time.

Just curious , but isn't that against the law or something serious?
  • #15
Originally posted by Sting
Just curious , but isn't that against the law or something serious?
Nope...so long as the markings are not intended to confuse which denomination the bill is, you are within your rights, last time I checked. Of course, this is a perfect case to contrast the 10 Commandments case; I am a private citizen, practicing my private free speech.


Writing in the marginsis absolutely legal, so this could be a touchy one...
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  • #16
Good news! Chief Justice Moore is currently unemployed!

In a unanimous decision, Judge Moore was removed from the bench for ethics violations...and it is about time! Now, I don't know about you, but for me this is a ray of sunshine in an otheriwse bleak political climate.
  • #17
Well I say, Whose head is on the dollar bill? Then give Washington what belongs to Washington, and give God what belongs to God.
  • #18
Well, America has plenty of churches...religious freedom seems to work really well. Why do 'Christians' feel teh need to violate the law, and their own Bible, in order to get validation of their beliefs from the government?
  • #19
This may surprise any of you who have a feel for my opinions, because I am very religious, but I am happy about this too. Because although our laws are based on Judeao-Christian laws, the monument was out of place in a gov't institution without similar law monuments, like a remake of the tablet of Hamarabi or something. This is esp. because four of the 10 Commandments apply solely to the Jews and Christians, specifically they talk about the Judeao-Christian God. If they had many monuments (probably small for money and space), say in the lobby or whatever, documenting 'law through the ages', it would be entirely appropriate if all of them had references to any number of gods. If I believed in the like 10,000 ancient Eqyptian gods(I doubt this would ever really occur though, there are so few polytheistic people), I would feel like there is a marked bias against me upon entering the building, esp. if I'm a foreigner and don't totally understand how the American Judicial system works. However, given that there is so much in the study of historical law and almost all of them mention some gods, one really shouldn't have anything religious in a gov't institution. This is because there is always that infinitesimal number of people whose 'law heritage', which includes some mentioning of religon undoubtably, is not represented.
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  • #20
Actually, Jonathan, American law is not specifically based on Christian principles, except in the ways that ALL societies have certain restrictions. America owes much more to Greek and Roman law, as well as to European law. Nothing in our law is based on the Ten Commandments.
I agree with everything else you posted, though...and I think many religious people would agree as well. And, of course, you pretty much spelled out the Supreme COurt's position: the Ten Commandments can be shown as a historical document along with other historical sourses of laws, but the government cannot favor one religion over another.
  • #21
Well, yes, there were other inputs besides Christian, but given that our law makers have always been (esp. way back when) like 90% Christians, you can't tell me Jesus it didn't have a large effect, at least in theory.
  • #22
Jonathan, if you look into US history, you will find that the time of the ravolution and the founding of the country was a low point in faith for the Americans. The doctrines of the enlightenment had undermined the faith of many learned people and there was a lot of compromise religion like Deism around. The Freemasons at this time were non theistic too, and for many formed a substitute for church.

This was the atmosphere in which the constitution and the bill of rights were drawn up.

About 20 years after this the "Great Awakening", a mass conversion to the Christian faith occurred, and subsequent presidents were often men of deep faith. Not Lincoln though. According to his law partner, he just about had the Bible memorized, but had no personal faith. Funny, that's what George Washington's pastor said about him.
  • #23
Originally posted by Jonathan
Well, yes, there were other inputs besides Christian, but given that our law makers have always been (esp. way back when) like 90% Christians, you can't tell me Jesus it didn't have a large effect, at least in theory.
No effect that common sense, and common human nature wouldn't have. The Golden Rule is of Chinese origin, no culture has survivesd when crime was accepted, and...

I hate to say things like this, because of the backlash, but America's history is riddled by decidedly anti-Christian behavior. It is as our government became less religion-driven that we started becoming more civilized. It was individual conscience, not government-sponsored religion, that led to the freeing of the slaves,. the civil rights movement, women's sufferage, etc. When people are free to define their religious beliefs, we are a lot better off.
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