Will I Be Able to Stay Connected with PFS? Farewell Adieu!

  • Thread starter RuroumiKenshin
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker is sad to announce that they will no longer be able to participate in discussions on the forum pfs due to time constraints. They hope to have more time in the summer and will still occasionally visit the forum. The other speakers express their disappointment and one even jokes about the possibility of non-human users on the forum.
  • #1
I believe my time has sort of come to leave pfs. I'm only aloud to come here, pfs, only 2 times a week. So basically, I don't really get to participate in almost all the discussions here. BUT there's still hope, in the summer, I may salvage more time...so until then...adieu, and fare thee well. I'll still pop up here and there, but nothing dramatic. I'm really sad about not being here as often...oh well. :frown: [b(]
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  • #2
That blows chunks! Well take it easy. We hope to see you soon. We'll all probly be here when you get back. I know I will.
  • #3
I never thought I'd see the day. Our "New PF Fanatic" winner. Well, good-bye.
  • #4
yeah, that bites.

But look on the bright side: You'll have more time to do other stuff instead of talking weirdos who might not even be people at all but top-secret, super brilliant, multimillion dollar computers that will eventually inherite the Earth after one of Saddam's body doubles nukes us all!

... Anyway, hopefully only 2 pf visits a week won't be too hard for ya.

FAQ: Will I Be Able to Stay Connected with PFS? Farewell Adieu!

Will my connection with PFS be maintained even after I leave?

Unfortunately, no. Once you leave PFS, your connection with the organization will be severed. However, you may still keep in touch with your colleagues and mentors personally.

What steps can I take to ensure a lasting connection with PFS?

You can stay connected with PFS by joining their alumni network, attending events and workshops organized by the organization, and volunteering for PFS projects if possible.

Is there a way to continue contributing to PFS even after I leave?

Absolutely! You can continue to support PFS's mission by making donations, sharing their achievements and campaigns on social media, and promoting their work to your network.

Will I still have access to PFS resources and tools after leaving?

Unfortunately, no. PFS resources and tools are only available to current members and employees of the organization. However, you can still access some of their resources online, such as educational materials and publications.

Can I still receive mentorship and guidance from PFS after I leave?

Yes, you can still reach out to your mentors and advisors from PFS for guidance and support. However, please note that they may have limited availability due to their current commitments and responsibilities.

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