Youtube anger against Physics Forums mods.

In summary: I thought I was the queen on junk and make-up. The consument crank. He makes me embarrassed I ever tried. Of course he is a pisces and one up on me in the imagination department. Maybe if Einstein was turned inside out and flipped upside down the two might weird each other out. I can not watch that video. But I really don't need to because years ago I friended...In summary, the video is about an amateur physicist who is very angry with a moderator. He thinks that the mods have been too oppressive and restrictive with the thread, and that locking it would have helped science move forward. He is convinced that his theory is correct, and that future scientists will laugh at current physicists. He also says
  • #1
A video I found where an amateur physicist is pretty angry at some moderator. Just wondering if the mods have seen it.

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Physics news on
  • #2
Jesus is this guy serious? I didn't watch the whole thing (an hour and a half rant??) but the first thing that came to mind is that he wanted a warning of a warning? How was it out of the blue that there's a warning that after a set time the thread will close?
  • #3
LOL, that's been around for a couple of years, yes we know about it.
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  • #5
I hope he can pull off his goals. He seems sincere in the video (1 hour + long!) , maybe some mod squashed his intellectual aspirations. I'm sure there are a lot of people like him more or less on PF.
  • #6
So has anybody actually watched the entire rant?
  • #7
He needs to comb his hair. I'm not watching this BS.
  • #8
vela said:
So has anybody actually watched the entire rant?
That's the thing: whatever you're saying the briefer the better.
  • #9
Since I am a masochist, I watched the entire video. Let's just say that one can summarize it in 10 lines...
  • #10
micromass said:
Since I am a masochist, I watched the entire video. Let's just say that one can summarize it in 10 lines...

Please do.
  • #11
QuarkCharmer said:
Please do.

1) He turned a thread in IR into a personal blog.

2) He was told IR was not the place for a personal blog.

3) Thread was closed.

4) The end.
  • #12
QuarkCharmer said:
Please do.

He believes that moderators on a forum should be there to moderate discussions, but it would not involve locking threads or deleting threads. He has put a thread in independent research, but it has been locked. The mentors were apparently wrong in doing so. Locking threads would hinder scientific progress, according to him. He is convinced that his theory has merit and that the future will prove him right. Furthermore, future scientists will laugh at current physicists for making things too difficult. His formulas are way more elegant because they contain exponential functions, and when something contains exponential functions, then it has to be correct.

He said a lot but it all came down to this. :biggrin:

As an advise: please watch the last 2 minutes, where the video ends. It's quite hilarious. He plays sad music while basically saying that he's the victim...
  • #13
Evo said:
1) He turned a thread in IR into a personal blog.

2) He was told IR was not the place for a personal blog.

3) Thread was closed.

4) The end.

And if one (not you Evo) wants to read all 614 post, you'll find lots of smart PFers showing him his mistakes."
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  • #14
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  • #15
Evo said:
I don't know if non-staff can read the posts. You can because you're staff.

I can read them.
  • #16
DaveC426913 said:
I can read them.
You're staff.
  • #17
Evo said:
I don't know if non-staff can read the posts. You can because you're staff.

Okay. Sorry. I didn't realize this was a staff only viewable.
  • #18
I can read the post while logged out. So I figure everybody can...
  • #19
micromass said:
I can read the post while logged out. So I figure everybody can...
LOL, who knows anymore? I thought first level IR was mentor only, then if it passed, SA's could read it and give input. I wasn't aware that IR was open to the entire forum. I thought it was fenced in because it was iffy stuff, even if approved.
  • #20
ROFL :smile:

He just did you a huge favor!
I know this guy.
I have been stuck on stupid a few times ... but he makes me look lazy! He just does NOT give it up or get it..
I pray he has tooth paste in his eyes when his life is played back for him.
  • #21
Lacy33 said:
I have been stuck on stupid a few times ... but he makes me look lazy! He just does NOT give it up or get it..
So, in your opinion, is his science totally out to lunch? I didn't watch it, or read any of it - it's over my head.
  • #22
DaveC426913 said:
So, in your opinion, is his science totally out to lunch? I didn't watch it, or read any of it - it's over my head.

I thought I was the queen on junk and make-up. The consument crank. He makes me embarrassed I ever tried. Of course he is a pisces and one up on me in the imagination department. Maybe if Einstein was turned inside out and flipped upside down the two might weird each other out. I can not watch that video. But I really don't need to because years ago I friended him!
  • #23
Evo said:
LOL, who knows anymore? I thought first level IR was mentor only, then if it passed, SA's could read it and give input. I wasn't aware that IR was open to the entire forum. I thought it was fenced in because it was iffy stuff, even if approved.

Uhh, I think it is not IR anymore. It is now General Physics. :rolleyes:
  • #24
His hair and voice are annoying, stopped after 10 seconds :bugeye:
  • #25
Like DaveC, I am not really in a position to comment on the merit of his ideas. But there are some clues. Whatever the merits of what he says, the guy clearly has some issues with obsession and that is not usually conducive to good science. Someone once pointed out that Einstein’s primary dis-service to science was to reinforce the idea among every crackpot with some half-baked idea that it really could be that they are the boy observing that the emperor is naked. Einstein showed that it could happen, but when a universal theory of gravitation is something that great minds have been struggling with for such a long time, it does not seem terribly likely that all you had to do was to take Maxwell’s equations and change a few signs here and there. If that was all there was to it, it seems likely that some of the more powerful minds of the last century or so would have noticed that.

dlgoff pointed out that plenty of PF’s more knowledgeable contributors have offered rational responses to his claims. I’m not supposing to be able to comment on those either, but I am not holding my breath on the possibility that this guy is really on to something.
  • #26
Tosh5457 said:
His hair and voice are annoying, stopped after 10 seconds :bugeye:
He should have worn his hat. I think he looks more convincing wearing his hat.
  • #27
Is this guy transmitting from Mars?? :bugeye:
  • #28
It's all explained in the video :biggrin: He even gives a quick tour in his office.
  • #29
Ops, sorry...

I got an 'autoimmune reaction' when he showed the 'unifying' Maxwell equations (rashes) and had to turn it off...

I’ll "Fast Forward" and check out the place. I was absolutely sure this guy was from 'another planet'...

  • #30
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  • #31
I like Serena said:
Uhh, I think it is not IR anymore. It is now General Physics. :rolleyes:
I thought we voted not to mix those into the main forums. Oh well.
  • #32
DevilsAvocado said:
omg, I better keep my big mouth shut because this guy has some" you shouldn’t joke about, sorry :redface:
Hi DA. Yeah this guy does seem to have some personal issues to work through and sort out. But we all have that at one time or another, I suppose. Maintaining a sense of humor in the midst of personal angst can be helpful. He does seem to have a certain sense of humor about his stuff. And he does, sort of, remind one of Woody Allen. Although he's definitely more annoying than funny.

He seems genuinely knowledgeable wrt certain math and physics areas. Whether his theory (presented in the IR forum) is worth considering is something I can't discuss because it's over my head. I'm not going to read the whole thread or watch the entire youtube video, but am inclined to believe that his theory has certain flaws which it has been noted have been pointed out by PF respondents. Anyway, as Evo pointed out, the thread in the IR forum had become more of a personal blog. Which, after following the link you provided and seeing all of the youtube videos of the "stand up physicist" that he's presented, becomes sort of predictable. And, wrt this thread, he's getting what he seems to want most -- a thread about Doug Sweetser.
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  • #33
ThomasT said:
And, wrt this thread, he's getting what he seems to want most -- a thread about Doug Sweetser.

And seeing he is a gold member who has not been banned, he'll get the chance to admire this thread! :smile:

He's just not been around yet since a week. :rolleyes:
  • #34
Evo said:
I thought we voted not to mix those into the main forums. Oh well.
I had remembered Greg mentioning this in the Feedback forum. That's why I searched and posted the link to the thread.
Greg Bernhardt said:
PF staff has concluded that the Independent Research forum is no longer useful or in the best interests of the community. No new or "in review" submissions will be accepted. Current active threads will remain open until June 27th to allow the participants proper conclusion. Then all threads will be locked and merged into General Physics. Thanks!
  • #35
I like Serena said:
And seeing he is a gold member who has not been banned, he'll get the chance to admire this thread! :smile:

He's just not been around yet since a week. :rolleyes:
Hmmm, well he is a somewhat interesting guy, and as hobbies go, his (the physics and music stuff) are good ones, imho. However, while I have my own gripes against sometimes spotty and apparently arbitrary moderation wrt some forums and threads, I don't see any reason not to close his 'unifying theory' thread in the IR forum -- even if any of his point(s) are actually insightful. The thread will still be available for viewing even after it's locked. Won't it?

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