Recent content by chris529911

  1. C

    Solve Orbital Velocity Equation: V=sqrt((g*R^2)/r)

    this is the problem. Why can't you just use v^2=GM/r?
  2. C

    Solve Orbital Velocity Equation: V=sqrt((g*R^2)/r)

    a=v^2/r is the equation for the normal component of acceleration a=GM/r^2 derived from F= GMm/r^2 a satellite orbiting the Earth only has a normal component of acceleration correct ?
  3. C

    Solve Orbital Velocity Equation: V=sqrt((g*R^2)/r)

    I have a homework problem that involves the equation v=sqrt((g*R^2)/r) I am confused as to where this equation comes from. I know that Vcirc = sqrt((GM)/r) and Vesc = sqrt((2GM)/r)