The Expert Physics and Math Blog

Groups, The Path from a Simple Concept to Mysterious Results

Introduction The concept of a group is as simple as it gets: a set with a binary operation like addition and a couple of natural laws like the requirement that the order of two consecutive operations does not matter: ##(1+2)+3=1+(2+3).## That’s it. The concept of a group is so simple that I still wonder why…

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digital audio guide

A Possible AI Modern Video Codec

Introduction Modern Video codecs are all based on similar principles.   Recently, these have been complemented by AI techniques, such as super-resolution,…
no tidal bulge

Beyond the Tidal Bulge

Overview That there is no tidal bulge is the key premise of this article. Upper-level oceanography undergraduates and above know this. Yet the tidal bulge…

The Many Faces of Topology

Abstract Topology as a branch of mathematics is a bracket that encompasses many different parts of mathematics. It is sometimes even difficult to see…
brownian motion

Brownian Motions and Quantifying Randomness in Physical Systems

Stochastic calculus has come a long way since Robert Brown described the motion of pollen through a microscope in 1827. It's now a key player in data science,…
physics of reality

PBS Video Comment: “What If Physics IS NOT Describing Reality”

PBS Space Time produces some very good videos on the foundations of quantum mechanics (QM), so let me comment on their video What If Physics IS NOT Describing…

Aspects Behind the Concept of Dimension in Various Fields

Abstract It took until the last century for physicists and mathematicians in the Netherlands to question the Euclidean concept of dimension as length,…
complex numbers views

Views On Complex Numbers

Abstract Why do we need yet another article about complex numbers? This is a valid question and I have asked it myself. I could mention that I wanted…

Addition of Velocities (Velocity Composition) in Special Relativity

The "Addition of Velocities" formula (more correctly, the "Composition of Velocities" formula) in Special Relativity[tex]\frac{v_{AC}}{c}=\frac{ \frac{v_{AB}}{c}+\frac{v_{BC}}{c}…
Schrodinger's cat

Schrödinger’s Cat and the Qbit

The concept of quantum superposition (or superposition for short) is very counterintuitive, as Schr##\ddot{\text{o}}##dinger noted in 1935 writing [1],…
slinky drop experiment

The Slinky Drop Experiment Analysed

The slinky drop is a rather simple experiment. In its most basic form, it requires only a popular toy for children, a stable hand, and a keen eye.…
infinite universe

Is the Universe Finite, or Is It Infinite?

Standard cosmological models come in three flavors, open, flat, and closed,[Carroll] whose spatial curvatures are negative, zero, and positive. The open…
einstein field equations

All About the Einstein Field Equations

Definition/Summary The Einstein Field Equations (EFE) are a set of ten interrelated differential equations that form the core of Einstein's general theory…
Multi-Atwood Machine Assembly

How to Solve a Multi-Atwood Machine Assembly

IntroductionThe figure on the right shows a "double-double" Atwood machine with three ideal pulleys and four masses.  All pulleys are released from…
Lambert W Function in Finance

The Lambert W Function in Finance

Preamble The classical mathematician practically by instinct views the continuous process as the "real" process, and the discrete process as an approximation…

Why Division by Zero is a Bad Idea

A division by zero is primarily an algebraic question. The reasoning therefore follows the indirect pattern of most algebraic proofs: What if it was allowed? Then…
digital audio guide

Digital Filtering and Exact Reconstruction of Digital Audio

Introduction This elaborates some of the claims in my insights article on digital audio. The Sinc Function The first link in my insights article has…
digital audio intro

Introduction to Modern Digital Audio Concepts

IntroductionFirst, we need some background in Digital Signals. This can be mathematically quite advanced, but since I would like this…
geometric series

Series in Mathematics: From Zeno to Quantum Theory

Introduction Series play a decisive role in many branches of mathematics. They accompanied mathematical developments from Zeno of Elea (##5##-th century…
Epsilontic limits and continuity

Epsilontic – Limits and Continuity

Abstract I remember that I had some difficulties moving from school mathematics to university mathematics. From what I read on PF through the years, I…

The Poor Man’s Milli-Ohm Meter

Introduction In a previous article on measuring battery internal resistance, a simple technique for low-resistance measurement was outlined. In this article,…
Differential Equation Systems and Nature

Differential Equation Systems and Nature

Abstract "Mathematics is the native language of nature." is a phrase that is often used when it comes to explaining why mathematics is all around in natural…
calc precalc

Beginners Guide to Precalculus, Calculus and Infinitesimals

Introduction I am convinced students learn Calculus far too late.   In my view, there has never been a good reason for this.In the US, they go through…
Variable Mass Systems

How to Apply Newton’s Second Law to Variable Mass Systems

Introduction The applicability of Newton's second law in the oft-quoted "general form"  $$\begin{align}\frac{d\mathbf{P}}{dt}=\mathbf{F}_{\text{ext}}\end{align}$$…
what are numbers

What Are Numbers?

Introduction When doing mathematics,  we usually take for granted what natural numbers, integers, and rationals are. They are pretty intuitive.   Going…
world of algebras

Introduction to the World of Algebras

Abstract Richard Pierce describes the intention of his book [2] about associative algebras as his attempt to prove that there is algebra after Galois…

Why ChatGPT AI Is Not Reliable

I'll start with the simple fact: ChatGPT is not a reliable answerer to questions.To try to explain why from scratch would be a heavy lift, but fortunately,…

What Are Infinitesimals – Simple Version

Introduction When I learned calculus, the intuitive idea of infinitesimal was used. These are real numbers so small that, for all practical purposes (say…
quantum information

How Quantum Information Theory Solves “the only mystery” of Quantum Mechanics

In Chapter 37 of "The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volume 1," Richard Feynman famously wrote that the mystery of wave-particle duality in the double-slit…

What Are Infinitesimals – Advanced Version

Introduction When I learned calculus, the intuitive idea of infinitesimal was used. These are real numbers so small that, for all practical purposes (say…
Carl Sagan

When Pro Scientists Explain Using Pop Science

Abstract There is so much to say about the many endeavors by professional scientists to explain to us the world. The list is long: Carl Sagan, Harald…
art of integration

The Art of Integration

Abstract My school teacher used to say "Everybody can differentiate, but it takes an artist to integrate." The mathematical reason behind this phrase…
teaching physics

A Lesson In Teaching Physics: You Can’t Give It Away

A central principle of Physics Forums regarding homework help is not to provide solutions on demand but to guide students along a path to the answer.  The…
integration and complex differentiation

An Overview of Complex Differentiation and Integration

Abstract I want to shed some light on complex analysis without getting all the technical details in the way which are necessary for the precise treatments…
Measure Internal Resistance of Battery

How to Measure Internal Resistance of a Battery

Introduction A commonly encountered school-level Physics practical is the determination of the internal resistance of a battery - typically an AA or D…
lie group physics

When Lie Groups Became Physics

Abstract We explain by simple examples (one-parameter Lie groups), partly in the original language, and along the historical papers of Sophus Lie, Abraham…
white dwarfs

Why There Are Maximum Mass Limits for Compact Objects

In this article, we will look at why there are maximum mass limits for objects that are supported against gravity by degeneracy pressure instead of kinetic…
gravity collapse

Oppenheimer-Snyder Model of Gravitational Collapse: Implications

Part 1: OverviewPart 2: Mathematical DetailsPart 3: ImplicationsIn the last article in this series, we finished up with a metric for the Oppenheimer-Snyder…
tensors relativity

What Are Tensors and Why Are They Used in Relativity?

If you try learning general relativity, and sometimes special relativity, on your own, you will undoubtedly run into tensors. This article will outline…
gravity collapse

Oppenheimer-Snyder Model of Gravitational Collapse: Mathematical Details

Part 1: OverviewPart 2: Mathematical DetailsPart 3: ImplicationsIn a previous article, I described in general terms the model of gravitational…
twin paradox

When Discussing the Twin Paradox: Read This First

This article is intended for anyone who wants to start a thread here at Physics Forums on the twin paradox. There are already many, many threads here on…
gravity collapse

The Oppenheimer-Snyder Model of Gravitational Collapse: An Overview

Part 1: OverviewPart 2: Mathematical DetailsPart 3: ImplicationsMost people who have spent any time at all studying GR are familiar with the…
object slide down ramp physics

Subtleties Overlooked in Friction Questions: Object Slides Down Ramp

Problem statement (simplified) An object slides down a ramp at angle θ to encounter level ground. Both surfaces have kinetic friction: μ' on the ramp,…
math classifications

Classification of Mathematics by 42 Branches

 I often read questions about our classification scheme that we use on to sort posts by science fields and subjects, what has…

Reduction of Order For Recursions

This is not meant as a full introduction to recursion relations but it should suffice for just about any level of the student.Most of us remember recursion…
history of numbers

Counting to p-adic Calculus: All Number Systems That We Have

An entire book could easily be written about the history of numbers from ancient Babylon and India, over Abu Dscha'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Chwarizmi (##\sim…
evariste galois

Évariste Galois and His Theory

 * Oct. 25th, 1811  † May 31st, 1832 ... or why squaring the circle is doomed. Galois died in a duel at the age of twenty. Yet, he gave…
definition differences

Yardsticks to Metric Tensor Fields

I asked myself why different scientists understand the same thing seemingly differently, especially the concept of a metric tensor. If we ask a topologist,…

Programming an ATmega8A using Arduino

If you are interested in programming and electronics, you probably do not need an introduction to Arduino. If you want to make your Arduino projects permanent,…

P vs. NP and what is a Turing Machine (TM)?

P or NP This article deals with the complexity of calculations and in particular the meaning of ##P\stackrel{?}{\neq}NP## Before we explain what P and…
quantum computers 101

Quantum Computing for Beginners

This article provides an accessible introduction to quantum computing, a cutting-edge technology that processes certain types of information much faster…
gauss law misconceptions

A Physics Misconception with Gauss’ Law

Introduction It is relatively common to see the following type of argument: The surface area is ##A## and the enclosed charge is ##Q##. The electric…
model magnet

How to Model a Magnet Falling Through a Conducting Pipe

Introduction In an earlier article, we examined a magnet falling through a solenoid. We argued that the point dipole model can account for the basic features…
model magnet

How to Model a Magnet Falling Through a Solenoid

Introduction Modeling a magnet realistically is a task best done numerically.  Even the simplified model of two separated disks with uniform surface…
why can we jump

How Can We Jump When the Ground Does No Work?

It is relatively common on Physics Forums to see arguments that are effectively similar to the following: When we jump off the ground, the ground does…
Riemann Hypothesis History

The History and Importance of the Riemann Hypothesis

Riemann Hypothesis History The Riemann Hypothesis is one of the most famous and long-standing unsolved problems in mathematics, specifically in the field…
magnetism current

Symmetry Arguments and the Infinite Wire with a Current

Many people reading this will be familiar with symmetry arguments related to the use of Gauss law. Finding the electric field around a spherically symmetric…
cpu programming

Parallel Programming on a CPU with AVX-512

This article is the second of a two-part series that presents two distinctly different approaches to parallel programming. In the two articles, I use different…
programming gpu

Parallel Programming on an NVIDIA GPU

This article is the first of a two-part series that presents two distinctly different approaches to parallel programming. In the two articles, I use different…
hypercube integral

A Novel Technique of Calculating Unit Hypercube Integrals

Introduction In this insight article, we will build all the machinery necessary to evaluate unit hypercube integrals by a novel technique. We will first…
Riemann Hypothesis

The Extended Riemann Hypothesis and Ramanujan’s Sum

Riemann Hypothesis and Ramanujan's Sum ExplanationRH: All non-trivial zeros of the Riemannian zeta-function lie on the critical line. ERH: All…

The Amazing Relationship Between Integration And Euler’s Number

We use integration to measure lengths, areas, or volumes. This is a geometrical interpretation, but we want to examine an analytical interpretation that…
mermin device quantum entanglement

Superdeterminism and the Mermin Device

Superdeterminism as a way to resolve the mystery of quantum entanglement is generally not taken seriously in the foundations community, as explained in…
relativity rotated graph

Relativity on Rotated Graph Paper (a graphical motivation)

(based on and…
probabilities virus testing

Probabilistic Factors Involved in Disease and Virus Testing

Introduction This Insight looks at the various probabilistic factors and related terminology involved in disease and virus testing.As we all know,…
quantum mechanics new approach

Quantum Physics via Quantum Tomography: A New Approach to Quantum Mechanics

This Insight article presents the main features of a conceptual foundation of quantum physics with the same characteristic features as classical physics…
trig special functions

A Trick to Memorizing Trig Special Angle Values Table

In calculus classes when you are asked to evaluate a trig function at a specific angle, it's 99.9% of the time at one of the so-called special angles we…
setup raspberry pi cluster

How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Cluster

INTRODUCTION As a long-time computer programmer and almost as long a High-Performance Computer (HPC) user, I didn't know anything about how these machines…
Theorema Primum tutorial

An Introduction to Theorema Primum

Introduction Whilst no doubt most frequenters of "Physics Forums" will be familiar with Nicolaus Copernicus as the scientist who advanced the (at the…
python sympy module

Python’s Sympy Module and the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

Two of my favorite areas of study are linear algebra and computer programming. In this article I combine these areas by using Python to confirm that a…
Kerr Spacetime

Geodesic Congruences in FRW, Schwarzschild and Kerr Spacetimes

Introduction The theory of geodesic congruences is extensively covered in many textbooks (see References); what follows in the introduction is a brief…
tan rule

Physical Applications of the “Tan Rule”

Introduction Every secondary school student who has encountered trigonometry in his/her Math syllabus will most likely have come across the sine, cosine,…
MIT course corrections

Corrections to MIT Open Courseware: Systems of Varying Mass

Corrections to MIT Open Courseware 8-01sc classical mechanics, fall 2016 Applying Newton's Laws to systems of Varying Mass PDF Course Link My concerns…
quantum information

How Quantum Information Theorists Revealed the Relativity Principle at the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics

This Insight is a condensed version of No Preferred Reference Frame at the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics. Reference numbers here correspond to that paper.…
euler sums

Investigating Some Euler Sums

So, why only odd powers? Mostly because the even powers were solved by Leonard Euler in the 18th century. Since the “mathematical toolbox” at that…
Quaternions in Projectile Motion

Quaternions in Projectile Motion

Introduction In a previous Physics Forums article entitled “How to Master Projectile Motion Without Quadratics”, PF user @kuruman brought to our…
quantum double slit experiment

Quantum Mechanics and the Famous Double-slit Experiment

Double-slit Key PointsQuantum mechanics is known for its strangeness, including phenomena like wave-particle duality, which allows particles to behave…

When Science is Not Enough: Legal and Health Implications of Questions

There are often questions on Physics Forums related to building machines or structures that are left unanswered because of this guideline (found in the…
LCEVC 8k tv

The LCEVC Coding Standard and 8K Television

Introduction First, for background, here is an overview of the most common video compression standard in use today, H264:…
solving projectile motion

How to Solve Projectile Motion Problems in One or Two Lines

Introduction We show how one can solve most if not all, introductory-level projectile motion problems in one or maybe two lines. To this end, we forgo…

10 Math Things We All Learnt Wrong At School

Some of these could even lead to heavy debates within the scientific community, so maybe I should say: from my point of view. So before you get excited…
Fourier Series Riemann Zeta Function

Computing the Riemann Zeta Function Using Fourier Series

Euler's amazing identity The mathematician Leonard Euler developed some surprising mathematical formulas involving the number ##\pi##. The most famous…
tolman law beginner

Tolman Law in a Nutshell

The Tolman law describes how the temperature in a fixed gravitational field depends on the position (see for a pedagogic…
physics cannonball projectile

Maximizing Horizontal Range of a Projectile

Introduction A recent homework problem that appeared in the forums was concerned with maximizing the horizontal range of a projectile subject to the launch…
electromagnetic computations duality

A Numerical Electromagnetic Solver Using Duality

In the previous insights article (How to Use Duality in Computational Electromagnetic Problems), I covered some uniqueness theorems for the Riemann-Silberstein…
Electric Field Seen by an Observer

The Electric Field Seen by an Observer: A Relativistic Calculation with Tensors

This Insight was inspired by the discussion in "electric field seen by an observer in motion", which tries to understand the relation between two expressions:…
valentines reflections graphs

Valentine’s Reflections: Mathematical Matters of the Heart

Introduction Being a somewhat geeky Maths 'nerd', I spent days leading up to Valentine's Day trying to find a Maths function appropriate to the day. In…
Bayesian statistics part 4

Posterior Predictive Distributions in Bayesian Statistics

Confessions of a moderate Bayesian, part 4 Bayesian statistics by and for non-statisticiansRead part 1: How to Get Started with Bayesian StatisticsRead…
electromagnetic computations

How to Use Duality in Computational Electromagnetic Problems

Some weeks ago I happened across a post that caught my eye. Dale asked a question about the number of photons in an electromagnetic field. His question…
impossible triangles

Geometry of Side-side-angle (SSA) and Impossible Triangles

What is the ambiguous case? In high school geometry, the idea of proofs is often first introduced to American students. A common task is to use a basic…
equations of motion

Equations of Motion Revisited

Introduction In any school Physics course, the Newtonian equations of motion are very much a 'stock' item. Students learn the equations and are given…
bayesian inference

How Bayesian Inference Works in the Context of Science

Confessions of a moderate Bayesian part 3 Read part 1: How to Get Started with Bayesian Statistics Read part 2: Frequentist Probability vs Bayesian ProbabilityBayesian…
bayesian statistics part 2

Exploring Frequentist Probability vs Bayesian Probability

Confessions of a moderate Bayesian, part 2 Read Part 1: Confessions of a moderate Bayesian, part 1Bayesian statistics by and for non-statisticians Background One…
Split Electric Fields

Split Electric Fields in Electrodynamics: Capacitor and Antenna

Abstract: The analysis of the two kinds of electric fields, namely the irrotational and non-conservative, is extended to electrodynamics, as exemplified…
bayesian statistics

How to Get Started with Bayesian Statistics

Confessions of a moderate Bayesian, part 1 Bayesian statistics by and for non-statisticians Background I…
projectile motion

How to Master Projectile Motion Without Quadratics

Introduction In a homework thread a while back a PF member expressed dismay along the lines of "Oh no, not another boring projectile motion problem."…
electric potential

Introduction to Electric Vector Potential and Its Applications

Main Point: The electric vector potential offers a  means of determining the non-conservative component of mixed stationary or quasi-stationary electric…
Learn the Math

I Know the Math Says so, but Is It Really True?

I'm sure anyone who has hung out long enough here on Physics Forums has encountered threads that go something like this (I'll use an example based on threads…
block universe time illusion

Does the Block Universe of Physics Mean Time is an Illusion?

I have written many Insights (and coauthored an entire book) explaining how the puzzles, problems, and paradoxes of modern physics can be attributed to…
flight simulator

Introduction to Pitot-Static Systems in Gliders

Like many others, I have been seeking new and fun things to do during a pandemic.   I decided on the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but the Condor…
mechanical conservation of energy

Why Bother Teaching Mechanical Energy Conservation?

Note: It is assumed that the reader has read part I and part II of the series.Is Mechanical Energy Conservation Free of Ambiguity? Can We Do Better…