Recent content by giulio_hep

  1. G

    A Differential Forms or Tensors for Theoretical Physics Today

    From "Non Local Aspects of Quantum Phases" by J. ANANDAN, also noticing: More generally I'd say that a differential structure with a tangent bundle is almost always assumed in physics (both classical and quantum, and e.g. including here even Penrose spinor bundles) and I can hardly imagine a...
  2. G

    A Differential Forms or Tensors for Theoretical Physics Today

    It sounds like Michael Atiyah says the opposite: The mathematical problems that have been solved or techniques that have arisen out of physics in the past have been the lifeblood of mathematics.
  3. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    And well, regarding the degree, the fact is simply that if P is reducible, then it has a factor of degree less or equal than n over 2: therefore, as per the correspondence you have pointed out, ## \exists ## a stem field of that degree and we can take it as the extension to prove the corollary...
  4. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    No, I was wrong, I'm reading again the previous lesson. Yes, you are right about it, they mean a minimal polynomial in K for the root in the extension L. In my example the minimal polynomial in Q for the root ##\sqrt 2## in R would be P itself ##x^2-2##, which is irreducible in Q. Even so, it...
  5. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    The minimal polynomial of a root of a monic polynomial P over a field K must divide P and it is unique and the definition is also in wikipedia... In the mentioned course there was a lesson in the previous week specifically about the definition of Minimal polynomial (that is unitary, etc...). I'm...
  6. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    Ops... but now I see that the degree of a transcendental extension is infinite so the fact that the extension is algebraic could be deduced (but only from the constraint on the degree of the extension) without assuming it...
  7. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    To be more clear, the full corollary one is: P is irreducible over K if and only if it does not have roots in extensions L of K of degree less or equal than n/2 where n is the degree of P. So, if I take the direction starting from "P has roots in an extension L of K...", it follows what I have...
  8. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    The point is that the corallary says if P has a solution ##\alpha## in L, where L is an extension of K... which means that the solution and the minimal polynomial are in L, even if P is over K. My example is the obvious ##x^2+1## in Q which is divided by ##x+i## and ##x-i## in the extension R
  9. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    Well, as far as I can understand it, let say that K is Q of rational and L is R of real numbers, theoretically, without other assumptions more restrictive (and if I am not wrong). Notice that in this case the extension would be transcendental instead of algebraic. The point is that the m(x) in...
  10. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    I believe that the above holds iff the extension ##\mathbf L## is algebraic over ##\mathbf K##. That would make sense to me and hopefully answers my question. I was following the week 2 of Ekaterina Amerik introducing Galois theory but this (IMO important) detail is missing in her explanation...
  11. G

    I What Conditions Ensure the Minimal Polynomial of α Divides P in Galois Theory?

    I'm not sure the following passage is so trivial as it was supposed to be: I mean, what does exactly prove it? That's my question. The step is the following: if ##P## has a root ##\alpha## in ##\mathbf L## - an extension of ##\mathbf K## of degree <= ##\frac n 2## where n is the degree of ##P##...
  12. G

    I Theory of fluctuations in disordered systems

    Indeed my doubt is somehow reinforced from what I read in "Static replica approach to critical correlations in glassy systems" (same authors, among which again Pierfrancesco Urbani and this year's Nobel Prize, Giorgio Parisi) ref. 12A540-22 paragraph "C. Expression of λ in HNC", page 23, where...
  13. G

    I Theory of fluctuations in disordered systems

    I'm reading the at paragrph 4.6.2 "The interaction term". They write a right hand side: < f(na,nb) f(nc,nd) f(ne,nf) > and they want to use a symmetry, for example they assume that...
  14. G

    I Central Extension and Cohomology Groups

    Ok, maybe I took a too trivial example just to start and indeed you're right, here's more a matter of algebra than topology, in fact my goal is to understand Lie algebra extensions more in general. On the opposite side of complexity, I would rephrase my question with the example of Virasoro...
  15. G

    I Central Extension and Cohomology Groups

    In conclusion, I wanted also to ask a more philosophical question, an explanation without all the details but high level: what is the fact of being also a central extension adding on top of a double cover? My understanding is that it is adding a structure of morphisms, maybe a tensor product...