Recent content by harvey1

  1. H

    Agnosticism is not a logical stance

    I can argue that all the positions are off base. Atheism: It's not a specific enough position. Do you mean that only material stuff exists? If so, then you are a materialist and we have no need for the atheist title. If you are a non-materialist and still an atheist, then how do you know...
  2. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    I don't think this is the most effective way to approach ontology. I think a more effective way is to first ask the implications of the possibilities that you can conceive of, and then try and deduce the limitations of that approach, etc. I agree that a material universe is a first option since...
  3. H

    Is Consciousness Just the Result of Electrical Activity in Our Brains?

    Well, the problem here is that you are reasoning based on "what we know not". Every so often someone comes along with a 'scientific theory' that they say predicts all the equations of physics, and therefore is the 'right' theory (and they are usually not the humble types in their proclamation)...
  4. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    Yes, I agree, only statements can have truth value. But, to clarify, I'm saying that certain modal statements actually 'exist' and those modal statements are evaluated for their truth or falsity. For example, axioms of mathematics might actually exist, and those modal statements are evaluated...
  5. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    You have a 3+1 dimensional object, you are saying that its existence has nothing to do with whether it was caused or not? Is this structure not your primitive? If so, then it is uncaused. If it is not your primitive, then what is your primitive? By the way, causation and time are not as...
  6. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    Maybe forgotten, but not without having set the stage for those who were to follow. Galileo was not born in a vacuum, afterall I think the key issue here is that medieval post-Aristotelian philosophy led to the emergence of natural philosophy as a separate branch of philosophy. Whether they...
  7. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    If truth exists, then as I said, truth implies comprehension. That is, X=Y is true if and only if X obtains, and Y obtains, and they obtain in the same context, etc, etc. Now, if there is no Mind that comprehends X=Y, etc, then how can there be an ontological truth to this effect? There cannot...
  8. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    Science, or natural philosophy, grew out of metaphysics (from Aristotle). To suggest that it was a coincidence that science was taught within the context of philosophy is not accurate at all. It was the philosophical thought which drove 13th century European philosophers to depart from...
  9. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    You can take the maths (and internets too), but you are confusing epistemology with ontology. As far as the complete mess of the human brain, it's all we have to reason about the world, and the beginning of that reasoning process is philosophy, not science. It's no coincidence that philosophy...
  10. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    I should say, a materialist view of the universe is by definition causeless since material things exist without there being an explanation for a material universe. Okay, let's view our universe as 3+1 dimensional object. The 3+1 dimensional object exists without cause. Each event in that 3+1...
  11. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    No, this is incorrect. Religionists for the most part do not think they are engaging in science with their advocating the necessity of God. Science is, strictly speaking, a methodological approach to providing knowledge about the world that is pragmatically successful in manipulating and...
  12. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    How do I know? It's really pretty straightforward reasoning. If there is such a thing as 'truth' existing, then such a thing requires for intelligence to exist, and therefore God is not a mere invention. On the other hand, if there is no 'truth' that exists, then that in itself is a 'truth'...
  13. H

    Does Our Creator Have A Creator Itself?

    No, that's not correct.
  14. H

    God's Free Will: Exploring the Possibilities of a Divine Mind

    Free will is the ability to decide freely, without captivity to environment, education, genetics, etc. In that sense, God has free will. There is no environment, education, genetics, etc, that determine God's mind. On the other hand, intelligence and consciousness are attributes of God, and...