Recent content by marjine

  1. M

    Horizontal force on a horizontal bar

    Tnet = 0 = Tcord-Twall-Tmass TLsinθ-2m(3/4L)-m(1/2)L TLsinθ= -(3/2)mL-(1/2)mL T=m/sinθ T= (1.52)/sin(39.7) = 2.38N
  2. M

    Final Angular Momentum of a Space Station

    The calculator mode is always the first thing I check when I get a physics problem wrong hahaha. 3.94 rad/s is not the correct answer, unfortunately.
  3. M

    Final Angular Momentum of a Space Station

    I can't figure out how to upload the diagram so I'll do my best to explain it: the hoop is drawn with a horizontal line through the center, theta is the angle of the velocity vector above that dotted line. Hope that helps, sorry.
  4. M

    Final Angular Momentum of a Space Station

    Li = Lrf +Ltf Iωo = Iωf + mvRsinθ I = MR^2 (MR^2)ωo = (MR^2)ωf + mvRsinθ ωf = (MR^2ωo -mvRsinθ)/MR^2 = 3.99
  5. M

    Initial speed of an object launched from Mars

    omg... converted it to m and fixed it, thank you so much
  6. M


  7. M

    Initial speed of an object launched from Mars

    U1 = -GMm/r K1 = (1/2)mvi^2 U2 = as r approaches infinity, U2 approaches zero K2 = (1/2)mvf^2 (1/2)mvi^2 - GMm/r = (1/2)mvf^2 + 0 vi = √(vf^2 + (2GMm)/r) = √(250,000 + 2(6.7 E-11)(6 E23)/3400) = 153776.815 But that is not the correct answer, can anybody see my mistake/misunderstanding?
  8. M

    Can an ideal spring ever experience an unbound state?

    Based on this, I ruled out all of the answer choices that contained E, and found that the correct answer is "A, C, D", but I still don't fully understand C.
  9. M

    Can an ideal spring ever experience an unbound state?

    No! I think those are might be distractor answers because this is physics I
  10. M

    Can an ideal spring ever experience an unbound state?

    This has never been covered in my lecture class before, and I can't find anything useful in my textbook. Considering I'm completely unfamiliar with this verbiage, I figured maybe if I google definitions of these terms I would be able to figure it out, but google doesn't have many definitions...