Recent content by Radlor

  1. R

    I Does this ODE have any real solutions?

    From what I can work out, it seems the global solution would be something like \begin{equation} y= z = c_1\cosh(\sqrt{2}mi x) \ \ \text{or} \ \ y= z = c_2\sinh(\sqrt{2}mi x) \end{equation} Or some combination of such. I don't see any way a real solution is defined across a continuous region ...
  2. R

    I Does this ODE have any real solutions?

    To expand on that, I understand that around x=0, the solutions would be real, or for a constant value of y and z. That's fine in my case, since then my complex field is trivial within my theory and I am happy. If you mean something else, that real solutions exist that aren't constant, then...
  3. R

    I Does this ODE have any real solutions?

    Hi, yeah there is no coupling, hence I also separated the two. In which case, the only solutions would be of the form \begin{equation} y = z = K e^{\pm i m x} \end{equation} And therefore no real solutions? As to where it's from, I am trying to prove an equation involving a complex scalar...
  4. R

    I Does this ODE have any real solutions?

    The ODE is: \begin{equation} (y'(x)^2 - z'(x)^2) + 2m^2( y(x)^2 - z(x)^2) = 0 \end{equation} Where y(x) and z(x) are real unknown functions of x, m is a constant. I believe there are complex solutions, as well as the trivial case z(x) = y(x) = 0 , but I cannot find any real solutions. Are...