Recent content by T@P

  1. T

    Five Hand Rule: Identifying Wire Direction

    theres the all new (?) screwdriver rule for everyone that gets confused as to which hand is the right one. its the same basic idea, i.e. the thumb and fingers only point in one direction, instead of hand curling somewhere is which way you turn the screwdriver and the thumb direction is analogous...
  2. T

    Light Through a Medium: Exploring the Physics

    maybe this question can help clarify the discussion: how does a light filter work? (say a green piece of plastic, essentially a green filter) does the green filter 'block' all light that isn't in the same wavelength/frequency as green light or is it more molecular, i.e. do the atoms in the...
  3. T

    How do Chameleons change colors?

    hmmm. so anyone know more than the typical kindergarden view of how they work? I am guessing they do change based on their background. but see chameleons and octopi would be really cool if you could like take some of their dna, and instead of making dumb glow in the dark bunnies make color...
  4. T

    How do Chameleons change colors?

    wait so a chameleon doesn't actually change its color based on what's its standing next to? only based on mood etc? hmm that's fishy
  5. T

    How do Chameleons change colors?

    oh man that's a great idea! only ud stink from miles away... we posted at the same time! oooh
  6. T

    Help really really really needed

    umm there are 9 numbers in the top one and 10 stars in the bottom. hence you can't shuffle the numbers and get that pattern. maybe you could clarify exactly what it is you have to do? (why are they numbers and not little stars?) I am somewhat confused ysee
  7. T

    Deadly Cuisine: The Poor's Burden

    i agree with yomamas second answer. as to wether its better than real food, I am not sure. after you eat it you feel the urge to hurl.
  8. T

    How do Chameleons change colors?

    How do they change colors? or more specifically, how do they know what color(s) are behind them? How does their skin actually change to that color? and also, can people sort of use this 'technology' of chameleons to create an invisibility device? (a device that displays what's behind it on...
  9. T

    Solve the Small Problem: A Puzzle Challenge

    oh.. so then it would be 3 6 9 10 (but ten is like the the first time you finished a cycle of 12...) so in base 10 it would be 3 6 9 12 15 18 where a and b are then 3 and 5... frankly I am a bit lost on the O part. but its really too bad that the actualy puzzlers ended, the rest is...
  10. T

    Solve the Small Problem: A Puzzle Challenge

    this is what i think first of all since time passed and no one answered any question, this must mean the configuration of red and blue is the 'hardest', i.e. not obvious in one sec. with that in mind, since each person saw at least one red, at least two people have red marks. WLOG, let's...
  11. T

    Test Your Mind: Read Colors Fast!

    maybe its because i have a tendency to miss the obvious? idk
  12. T

    Test Your Mind: Read Colors Fast!

    i don't know, i found it ridiculously easy to do. anyone else on my side of the table?
  13. T

    Help with precession experiment

    actually what's the deal with having icarolo's username crossed out in the first post? this is a cool experiment, my physics teacher did it for us ( i think)
  14. T

    Is Man Adequately Showered on 7-Day Workweek?

    actually if you are thinking of the stink/sweat issue you could easily get yourself coated with axe for like a week and probably ward of sweat and unpleasant odors so I am guessing you will theoretically smell clean. is it just me or am i getting the feeling that this getting more and more...
  15. T

    Solving the Fake Coin Problem: Find It in Three Weighings

    actually i just remembered a really funny one, it goes like this: 6 coins, 2 fake coins, heavier by 1 gram. in 4 weighings find the fake coins *but* the scale you are using will only register a weight difference of at least 2 kg. think of it as a regular balance scale with friction...