Recent content by TonySlim

  1. T

    Computer IQ Test: The Weight and the Monkey - Answer C

    I don't think the elevator analogy is a good one, at least not to deal with the energy going into the climbing. But if it is a good one, wouldn't the rising weight (per answer "A") also get heavier? As heavy as the heavier monkey? And cancel out the rising...but then it wouldn't be heavier...
  2. T

    Proof time is non-linear: my cat

    I don't approach the cat. I'm usually sitting down and he'll walk by and sit down on the floor in front of me somwhere.
  3. T

    Proof time is non-linear: my cat

    Very often I'll clap my hands while my cats' back is turned because I hate him. Most of the time he jumps just before my hands actually clap. I sometimes try to "fake" a clap by not actually making contact, but of course this doesn't make him jump, because in the future there was no clap. I...
  4. T

    Are You Ignoring Yourself?

    my wife wishes I could ignore myself, but I can't keep my hands to...others?
  5. T

    Aliens: Will They Fear Us or Take Our Resources?

    I'm stealing the following from somewhere, but I don't remember where. "Why do we have to assume they're more advanced than us because they have more advanced technology? Look at the people around you in their cars on the road. Could these people have built their cars at home? Do they look like...
  6. T

    Would Earth's Inhabitants Notice if It Suddenly Stopped Moving?

    you all may die, but the ladies and I would ride the atmosphere to mars, silver surfer style, and start our super-martian colony.
  7. T

    Is Magnetic Repulsion the Key to Efficient Space Travel?

    you could tie a magnet to the trailer hitch.
  8. T

    Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engines

    just siphon some anti-matter from the multiverse. how far away could it really be?
  9. T

    Is suicide wrong in extreme circumstances?

    what about choosing to commit suicide so that the others in your soccer team/castaway group could eat a nice meal (a.k.a. you)?
  10. T

    Can A Black Hole End The Universe?

    if we all (the universe) got swallowed up by a black hole at the same time, we'd never know, and OUR universe would last forever.
  11. T

    Saturn Speed: Can You Ease On At 1mph?

    if you drive a front-wheel drive car 100mph onto the back of a car carrier driving 99mph, could you ease it on at 1mph, or would it fly off the front at 100mph? I need to know before my drive home tonight.