community Definition and 5 Threads

  1. Jerome Wang

    New Member Introductions

    I just came here to find answers to the questions in my mind.
  2. Greg Bernhardt

    Community Spirit Award

    Please select up to 3 members who made PF just a little more special in 2024. This is a popular vote. The poll was generated from those members who displayed levels of community ambassadorship, raised community sentiment, or initiated a special feature or activity in 2024. Everyone nominated...
  3. krishnryn


    Hi to all, Happy to be here.
  4. Elm8429

    Hello there! Pleasure to meet all of you.

    I'm a Bacc. student in subatomique physic, helping and/or asking for help is the best way to learn, so here I am. Glad to be part of this community !