Recent content by anthonyg

  1. A

    Prove if abs|f(x)| <= B for all x#0, then lim as x->0 of xf(x) = 0,

    Thanks, the thing is I don't know where to start. I mean my teacher always starts out with given ε > 0 such that δ... I honestly just don't know where to go either.
  2. A

    Prove if abs|f(x)| <= B for all x#0, then lim as x->0 of xf(x) = 0,

    [b]1. if there is a number B such that abs|f(x)| <= B for all x#0, then lim as x->0 of xf(x) = 0,[b]2. Would I be able to get some help on how to prove this?[b]3. Given Epsilon > 0 such that delta = epsilon/B will prove the limit equals 0. (I know that may not make much sense but how am I...