Recent content by Drizy

  1. Drizy

    B Time Dilation: Orbit Earth at Light Speed, What Happens?

    I’m having quite a bit of trouble understanding time dilation. What will happen if you orbit the Earth close to the speed of light, 1 h passes for you and due to time dilation 2 h on earth. So what will happen when you look at Earth in that hour. Since time passes 2 times faster there will it...
  2. Drizy

    B Faster than speed of light due to time dilation?

    Thanks for the answers! So if i understand correctly you can travel great distances relative to Earth in a short time (seen from the yet) when you are close to the speed of light. Much more then distance/time= 300 000 km/s (as seen from earth)
  3. Drizy

    B Faster than speed of light due to time dilation?

    This probably has been asked before but i had a thought about the speed of light and time dilation. First off all i know the speed of light is constant and that it is the max speed anything can be but hear me out. So let's say a jet are traveling from point a to b in space with let's say 0,8c...