Recent content by Ge0rdy

  1. G

    Kinetic Vehicle [flywheel powered] mass and energy

    Do some research into an ionocraft then search negatively charged air particles and then an electrostatic reciprocator this maybe where your 3,000 mph maybe coming from.
  2. G

    Starting point to converting resonance/frequency into temp

    I am imaginig a solid state laser that you can record electromagnetic radiation using thermal radiation and the heat output at a central point while defining its resonance frequency which i believe is recorded by the wave length and a central point (focal point) Is it possible to identify a...
  3. G

    Starting point to converting resonance/frequency into temp

    Would people assume my take on converting frequency to temperatures of specific frequencies would possibly cause a corelation between the two using a research table of precise temperatures which are matched to a focal point of a laser, of an object, at its resonance level and at room temperature...