Recent content by Synetos

  1. S

    CD Track problem, Lense and laser

    Hi, I have a problem with an optics experiment, the experiment involves measuring the interference patterns created by the tracks of a CD. But as soon as I put a lense in between we get an really odd pattern, this pattern seems to not move along with the laser as the beam is being shifted...
  2. S

    Creative Optics Experiment Ideas for First-Year Physics Students

    So I need to do an optics experiment for my first year of physics at uni, the problem is that we are limited with material and that you need to be original, which is almost an contradiction =/ Does anybody have an idea for a cool experiment? (and yea the double slit one has been done)
  3. S

    How can I write complex equations using Reverse Polish notation?

    So I need some help with RPN, I checked the wiki page but I still don't quite get it. Like I get simple multiplications, aditions etc. But how would you for example write:
  4. S

    OnTime-hormone produced in Epididymis

    Sorry for the bump, but could this really be true? I never knew that things like that were regulated by hormones.
  5. S

    Is Fire a Plasma? Answers & Discussion

    We have some at uni, I might be allowed to try it, if they won't nag about me putting those connectors in fire :P
  6. S

    Is Fire a Plasma? Answers & Discussion

    Yea, I've heard of those, they are awesome. :P I should make a post asking how exactly they make the air vibrate in the right way.
  7. S

    Is Fire a Plasma? Answers & Discussion

    But it is partly ionised, otherwise this would not be possible:
  8. S

    Students who claim to be bad test takers

    The problem of tests is the timelimit, usually you got a book and time and then you suddenly don't. But I agree that prepaing does work.
  9. S

    Is Fire a Plasma? Answers & Discussion

    So is it? I had a long discussion about it in school and the internet gave very mixed answers. Because we are wondering if fire is ionised and this magnetic?
  10. S

    Periodic table of shapes to give a new dimension to maths

    Mathematicians are creating their own version of the periodic table that will provide a vast directory of all the possible shapes in the universe across three, four and five dimensions, linking shapes together in the same way as the periodic table links groups of chemical elements. The...
  11. S

    Scientists build world's first anti-laser

    More than 50 years after the invention of the laser, scientists at Yale University have built the world's first anti-laser, in which incoming beams of light interfere with one another in such a way as to perfectly cancel each other out. The discovery could pave the way for a number of novel...
  12. S

    Induction Heating Ice: How Does it Work?

    Does anybody know how this works?
  13. S

    How much would the earth heat up if all water turned to vapour?

    We have 1.400.000.000 km³ water which would become 2.24E12 km³ of water vapour. Does anyone know how much the Earth would heat up due to the greenhouse effect of all this vapour?