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Homework Statement
I am trying to calculate the atomic form factor for various crystals (NaCl, LiF, GaP, Si) in an x-ray diffraction experiment.
There seems to be very little information on this topic anywhere.
Homework Equations
I understand how to derive the geometric form factor Sk = sum of exp[i.pi.K.r]
And the atomic form factor is Sk = ∑exp[i.pi.K.r].fj
Where fj(K) = -1/e ∫dr exp[i.K.r].pj(r)
The Attempt at a Solution
For a BCC lattice Sk = 1+(-1)^n1+n2+n3 -monatomic
My guess is that I sub in Sk = f1(1) + f2(-1)^n1+n2+n3
I am not sure if this is correct and how I can generalize it, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.