Background Indipendant or Dependant?

  • Thread starter madhatter106
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of background independence in physics and how it relates to the merging of quantum mechanics and classical physics. The speakers also touch on the idea of duality and its relationship to coordinate independence. They ultimately conclude that there is no one true ontological model in physics and that the search for a fully unified theory continues.
  • #1
QM is independent right? and a classical view of dependent would be a fixed all encompassing space time. But isn't trying to unify all of physics trying to merge both of those backgrounds? If everything interacts with everything else then is it independent or dependent? I don't think there is a math calc able to handle infinite probabilities and reducing it down to deterministic outcomes doesn't makes sense either.

Taking the quantum duality it's both at the same time, why wouldn't it follow that the background of space is both dependent and independent simultaneously?

Is there a fear that such a thing would cause a large restructuring of physics as it's now known?

--If this is in the wrong area, mods feel free to move it. I couldn't determine where it fit--
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  • #2
Taking the quantum duality it's both at the same time, why wouldn't it follow that the background of space is both dependent and independent simultaneously?
No, that's a logical contradiction.

I personally believe that the unified quantum gravity should be background-independent, that is, it must obey the translation symmetry, rotation and relativity. If it doesn't it would mean that the space (vacuum) has some structure on its own (ether?) which is unlikely IMO.

We would have to wait for fully unified theory, though.
  • #3
By background independence I presume you mean coordinate independence. Yet you seem to have tied "duality" into this in some unspecified way. Background independence is a property of coordinate systems such that a choice of scale is arbitrary, i.e., has no real physical meaning. Basically just a bookkeeping device for comparing relative scales, which are physically meaningful. Though background independent formalisms exist which do not specify scale. Any choice of scale can be added after the fact by choosing the units that define the constants.

General Relativity is fully background independent. In fact GR provides the prototype of background independence. The situation is somewhat more subtle in QM. Hilbert space is characterized by an abstract linear space, such that the inner product of vectors has definable meaning. Then by adding Lorentz covariance these vectorial components can be transformed in equivalent components under boost. Yet it is more generally accepted that Hilbert space representations are themselves a mere bookkeeping device lack real physical significance in itself. Though some people beg to differ under highly variable ontological justifications.

Now in what way "duality" or complementarity is related to coordinate independence, or what way you may have intended to imply this meaning, I do not know. As long is there is a relative scale you might define this ratio as some sort of dependence, such as in relativity where relative scales absolutes when expressed as ratios. Yet in the sense "background" in meant in terms of background independence it refers to the background coordinate system independent of any relative relation to things in that background. As such background independence cannot strictly be recovered by weakening the notion of a background to merely mean some distinct observable in that background.

In my opinion ontologies fall into this category of neither being right or wrong, such that you can choose ontologies as freely as you choose coordinate systems. The symmetries of nature only entail that whatever ontology you choose must impose distinct constraints on the ontologies associated with rest of the system in question. Hence there is no more one a true ontology than there is one true coordinate system. However, to date, nobody has been able to construct a completely valid ontological model based on realism. Especially the kind of realism that Newton's critiques invoked to object to his ad hoc fields.

FAQ: Background Indipendant or Dependant?

1. What does it mean for something to be background independent or dependent?

Background independent refers to a theory or concept in which the fundamental laws or principles do not rely on a fixed background structure or reference frame. Background dependent refers to a theory or concept in which the fundamental laws or principles rely on a fixed background structure or reference frame.

2. Can you give an example of a background independent theory?

One example of a background independent theory is loop quantum gravity, which proposes that space-time is a network of interconnected loops, without relying on a fixed background structure. General relativity, on the other hand, is an example of a background dependent theory as it relies on a fixed background structure of space-time.

3. How does the concept of background independence relate to the search for a theory of quantum gravity?

The concept of background independence is important in the search for a theory of quantum gravity because it allows for the possibility of reconciling the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics. This is because background independent theories, such as loop quantum gravity, do not rely on a fixed background structure, which is a major obstacle in merging the two theories.

4. Are there any practical applications of background independent theories?

Currently, there are no direct practical applications of background independent theories. However, the development of a successful theory of quantum gravity could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and potentially lead to new technologies in the future.

5. How is the concept of background independence being explored and tested?

The concept of background independence is being explored through theoretical research and mathematical models. It is also being tested through various experiments and observations, such as testing the predictions of loop quantum gravity on the cosmic microwave background radiation. However, due to the complexity of the concept and the lack of experimental evidence, it is still an active area of research and debate among scientists.

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