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I was reading about Gauss's Lemma here:
Unfortunately, I am stuck on Lemma 3.10.1 that concludes that the product of a pair of primitive polynomials is itself primitive.
I understand about how there is some index in each polynomial at which the polynomial becomes imprimitive, and that the term cj + k is of the form:
cj + k = aj bk + Ta ga + Tb gb
where ga & gb are the Greatest Common Divisor of the terms below aj & bk, respectively (here, I use Ta & Tb to denote general numbers that are multiplied by ga & gb to get the terms for the summation of the products of a & b terms whose index is less than i & j, respectively)
So the proof follows that it presumes that cj + k has a prime divisor. Now, if I presume that this divisor is the same as ga & gb, then I get the contradiction that cj + k has no divisor. Fine. However if I only presume that the divisor is the same as ga, but not gb, I get
(here U is a general number like T)
cj + k = ga U = aj bk + Ta ga + Tb gb
aj bk = ga ( U - Ta ) - gb Tb
Now I don't know what prime factors aj or bk have, and it seems that I have no way of proving that the RHS of this doesn't coincidentally sum up to a number that happens to be a multiple of whatever prime factors aj or bk
What am I missing here?
Unfortunately, I am stuck on Lemma 3.10.1 that concludes that the product of a pair of primitive polynomials is itself primitive.
I understand about how there is some index in each polynomial at which the polynomial becomes imprimitive, and that the term cj + k is of the form:
cj + k = aj bk + Ta ga + Tb gb
where ga & gb are the Greatest Common Divisor of the terms below aj & bk, respectively (here, I use Ta & Tb to denote general numbers that are multiplied by ga & gb to get the terms for the summation of the products of a & b terms whose index is less than i & j, respectively)
So the proof follows that it presumes that cj + k has a prime divisor. Now, if I presume that this divisor is the same as ga & gb, then I get the contradiction that cj + k has no divisor. Fine. However if I only presume that the divisor is the same as ga, but not gb, I get
(here U is a general number like T)
cj + k = ga U = aj bk + Ta ga + Tb gb
aj bk = ga ( U - Ta ) - gb Tb
Now I don't know what prime factors aj or bk have, and it seems that I have no way of proving that the RHS of this doesn't coincidentally sum up to a number that happens to be a multiple of whatever prime factors aj or bk
What am I missing here?