Exploring Coherent Neutrino Scattering and a Unified Field Theory

  • Thread starter trinitree88
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Hi all. I wander here from the Cosmoquest Forum, where I posted for years as trinitree88...usually signing my stuff as "pete"...a nickname from my last name which is George Peterson. I am a photographic chemist by trade having worked for ITEK Corporation on high resolution aerial duplicating films, and in X-ray solution service for Solutek Corporation . Mostly, I've taught physics, and chemistry in secondary schools around Boston.

I have a big interest in particle physics, astronomy and high energy physics, and anything that makes an image, or sets off a detector. Years ago, I took a stab at writing a simple unified field theory based on Howard Georgi's 1981 article in Scientific American, and submitted it to the Gravity research Foundation for their writing competition, receiving an Honorable Mention. Recent developments in particle physics, particularly the COHERENT experiment at the SNS in Oak Ridge, lead me to believe my original idea was right, but the mechanism was not forward scattering, but a combination of coherent and incoherent elastic and inelastic neutrino scattering. Stating so led to Moderators closing my thread at Cosmoquest, where I was not allowed to defend each point with peer-reviewed journal articles. I'll take it from there to here, and see what happens.

It appears the coherent neutrino scattering cross-sections are six orders of magnitude larger than forward scattering from the eighties (Kate Scholberg, MIT Physics Colloquiem talk last April), and my claim of coincidences is true, between the g-wave bar detectors at Rome and Maryland, and the Baksan, IMB, and Kamiokande neutrino detectors at 6.7 sigma. For particulars check out my post in Cosmoquest Forum under Science and Technology as "The Unified Field Theory" , all the relevant URL's are there and I'll be happy to elaborate them here...and yup, my talk at The Olney Science Center at Harvard University on Gamma Ray Bursts, May 1994...had Matt Damon and Ben Affleck sitting in the back row...a year after my standing ovation at Williams College for the Joint AAPT/APS MEETING where I changed the principle of equivalence. About 1700 physicists...6.7 sigma ...thats a real phenomenon. pete
Physics news on Phys.org
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Hi pete, welcome to PF
trinitree88 said:
I took a stab at writing a simple unified field theory
Please be aware that we are not an alternative venue for the publication of scientific works and we do not engage in any pre-publication advice or evaluation. We are glad to discuss the relevant professional scientific literature you mention, but if your theory is not published then it is not a suitable topic for PhysicsForums.
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