Optical Isomerism: Enantiomeric Excess Calculation from -13.9 Degrees

  • #1

Homework Statement

A sample of synthetic camphor contains both the d and l isomers in unequal amounts . The specific rotation of the sample is found to be -13.9 degrees . What is the enantiomeric excess of the sample?

(A) 0.215

(B) 0.314

(C) 0.417

(D) 0.167

pleasez xplain ur working as well!

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

i think the optical rotation has to be provided . without it i can't think of how to solve it??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I too think that the question is lacking some info.
  • #3
... unless your teacher actually expects you to do a little work and find the specific rotation of pure R or S camphor. Try the CRC Handbook. Even Wiki has it!
  • #4
seeing ur reply makes me think whether this is reqd at JEE level??:-p

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