What will be the change in celestial coordinates in 50 years?

In summary, celestial coordinates taken 50 years ago may have an inaccuracy of around 0.3-0.7 degrees, based on historical observations by Hipparchus. A more accurate estimate, taking into account a 26,000 year precession cycle, would be around 0.69 degrees of error.
  • #1
Is it possible to use celestial coordinates which were taken 50 years ago? What kind of inaccuracy can we expect (give the answer in degrees)?
Could I say that it will be about 0.3° error assuming that around the year 130 BC, Hipparchus compared ancient observations to his own and concluded that in the preceding 169 years those intersections had moved by 2 degrees?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
More like about 0.7 degrees.

1) 2 degrees is a rounded number, so you may as well say you're talking about 1/3 the time Hipparchus was. (A more accurate number would be about 2.4 degrees, in which case it would become worth comparing the actual ratio between 50 years and 169 years.)

2) A more accurate (although still inaccurate) estimate would be a 26,000 year precession cycle, meaning a change of about 0.14 degrees per year. Multiply by 50 to get about 0.69 degrees.

FAQ: What will be the change in celestial coordinates in 50 years?

1. What is the cause of the change in celestial coordinates over time?

The main cause of the change in celestial coordinates over time is the precession of Earth's axis. This is a slow, cyclical movement of the Earth's rotational axis, causing a shift in the orientation of the Earth's axis relative to the stars.

2. How much will the celestial coordinates change in 50 years?

The amount of change in celestial coordinates in 50 years will depend on the specific coordinates in question. However, on average, the coordinates will shift by approximately 1 degree due to precession.

3. Will all celestial objects experience the same change in coordinates?

No, the specific amount and direction of change in celestial coordinates will vary for different celestial objects. This is because each object has its own unique position and motion relative to the Earth, and thus will be affected differently by the Earth's precession.

4. How does the change in celestial coordinates affect our view of the night sky?

The change in celestial coordinates may result in a slight difference in the positions of stars and other celestial objects in the night sky over time. This can make it more challenging to locate specific objects, but overall, it does not significantly impact our overall view of the night sky.

5. How do scientists predict the change in celestial coordinates over time?

Scientists use advanced mathematical models and data from observations to predict the change in celestial coordinates over time. These predictions are refined over time as new data is gathered and analyzed.
