Recent content by Goatman

  1. Goatman

    B The Center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

    meaning how does this black hole (in the center) differ from other black holes that apeear in space
  2. Goatman

    B The Center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

    so how does this black hole function within the center?
  3. Goatman

    B The Center of the Milky Way Galaxy? This is the wikipedia article It states that we can not observe the center because of "interstellar dust"
  4. Goatman

    B The Center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

    I also heard of there being a star cluster which maybe proves why it is so bright in the center
  5. Goatman

    B The Center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

    I am unsure on what exactly is at the center of the galaxy. I looked up some articles but some stated that scientists are unsure.
  6. Goatman

    I How do physicists know when they’ve found a Higgs boson?

    I know the Higgs field and the capabilities of the Higgs Boson, but I could never understand how physicists concluded the finding of a Higgs Boson