Recent content by Leonardo Machado

  1. Leonardo Machado

    Stargazing Where to find more material about LORENE software?

    Unlike Einstein Toolkit, which is a pretty alive community, LORENE users seems to be hidden somewhere. I cannot found much information about this software anywhere in format of tutorials. I'm having problems to compile codes with make use of LORENE libraries because of the reduced amount of...
  2. Leonardo Machado

    A Improper boundary in non-linear ODE (pseudospectral methods)

    Yes. Unfortunately this is part of this problem I am tr I was thinking about expanding the solution, just like you said, but with $$ y(x)=u(x)+r= \sum_n a_n T_n(x) + r. $$ This way of writting turns the condition $$ \frac{dy(infinity)}{dx}=1, $$ into $$ \frac{du(infinity)}{dx}=0, $$...
  3. Leonardo Machado

    A Improper boundary in non-linear ODE (pseudospectral methods)

    The problem is that the derivatives evaluated at infinity would still be zero aways, becase sech(infinity)=0. I mean, $$ \sum_n a_n \frac{dT_n(x)}{dx}=\sum_n a_n 2 sech(x) \frac{dT^*_n(z)}{dz} $$ evaluated at infinity still cannot be a finite number.
  4. Leonardo Machado

    A Improper boundary in non-linear ODE (pseudospectral methods)

    Hello, I am trying to compute some non-linear equations with pseudospectral/collocation methods. Basically I am expanding the solution as $$ y(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} a_n T_n(x), $$ Being the basis an Chebyshev polynomial with the mapping x in [0,inf]. Then we put this into a general...
  5. Leonardo Machado

    I Chebyshev Differentiation Matrix

    I have solved it today. As a computational problem i used a Gaussian integration to take inner products from both sides, as $$ \sum_k a^{(0)}_k (T_n(x),x^l \frac{du}{dx})=a^{(x)}_n (T_n(x),T_n(x)). $$ Using Chebyshev collocation points to solve the inner product integral.
  6. Leonardo Machado

    I Chebyshev Differentiation Matrix

    Hi everyone. I am studying Chebyshev Polynomials to solve some differential equations. I found in the literature that if you have a function being expanded in Chebyshev polynomials such as $$ u(x)=\sum_n a_n T_n(x), $$ then you can also expand its derivatives as $$ \frac{d^q u}{dx^q}=\sum_n...
  7. Leonardo Machado

    A Boundary conditions in the time evolution of Spectral Method in PDE

    Hi everyone! I am studying spectral methods to solve PDEs having in mind to solve a heat equation in 2D, but now i am struggling with the time evolution with boundary conditions even in 1D. For example, $$ u_t=k u_{xx}, $$ $$ u(t,-1)=\alpha, $$ $$ u(t,1)=\beta, $$ $$ u(0,x)=f(x), $$ $$...
  8. Leonardo Machado

    A Numerically calculating the solution for a non-homogeneous ODE system

    Have you tried runge-kutta methods? I've been using it to solve some classical gravitational dynamics which have this level of difficult.
  9. Leonardo Machado

    A Rational Chebyshev Collocation Method For Damped Harmonic Oscilator

    I took a simple problem which let me know the analytical solution because I want to use this solution to compare with the numerical one, for practicing proposes.
  10. Leonardo Machado

    A Rational Chebyshev Collocation Method For Damped Harmonic Oscilator

    Hello everyone. I'm currently trying to solve the damped harmonic oscillator with a pseudospectral method using a Rational Chebyshev basis $$ \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+3\frac{dx}{dt}+x=0, \\ x(t)=\sum_{n=0}^N TL_n(t), \\ x(0)=3, \\ \frac{dx}{dt}=0. $$ I'm using for reference the book "Chebyshev and...
  11. Leonardo Machado

    A Boundary conditions for the Heat Equation

    I have solved it guys! To operate with inhomogeneous bondary conditions I've used $$ u(r,\theta,t)=v(r,\theta,t)+u_E(r,\theta) $$ being u_E the steady state and "v" the solution of the heat equation.
  12. Leonardo Machado

    A Boundary conditions for the Heat Equation

    Hello guys. I am studying the heat equation in polar coordinates $$ u_t=k(u_{rr}+\frac{1}{r}u_r+\frac{1}{r^2}u_{\theta\theta}) $$ via separation of variables. $$u(r,\theta,t)=T(t)R(r)\Theta(\theta)$$ which gives the ODEs $$T''+k \lambda^2 T=0$$ $$r^2R''+rR+(\lambda^2 r^2-\mu^2)R=0$$...
  13. Leonardo Machado

    I Myers mass formula to find the valley of stability for A=56

    Hi everyone. I'm currently trying to master the use of the formula for nuclear masses from MYERS AND SWIATECKI (1969), $$ E=[-a_1+J\delta^2+0.5(K\epsilon^2-2L\epsilon \delta^2 +M\delta^4)]A+c_2 Z^2 A^{1/3}...
  14. Leonardo Machado

    I Energy Density & Mass Density: Explained

    Hi everyone! I'm currently strudying some astrophysical equation of states, some stuff about Fermi's gas and I'm kinda confused about the relation between the energy density and the mass density, $$ \frac{\epsilon}{c^2}=\rho. $$ I don't get why they do not use whole $$...
  15. Leonardo Machado

    I Neutron Stars mass and radii observation data

    Hello everyone. I'm currently working on NS mass relations and trying to plot a curve with predicted masses-radii and observations on NS. There are some free data at this website: . I downloaded the .tar file and tried to...