This is the profile for member haruspex. This page shows details about haruspex like postings stats, blog posts, latest posts, trophies won and interests. If you want to follow or message this user you must register an account.
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  • Homework Helper
    Insights Author

    Wrote an article on the "alternate method" for collisions which you have often seen me suggest in homework forums.

    It's in draft stage - if you have a moment please take a look and I would welcome any comment: happy to get feedback leading to improvement before final submission.

    Draft version here.
    Science Advisor
    Homework Helper
    Insights Author
    Gold Member
    2023 Award
    Congratulations on your 2018 award. You certainly deserve it.
    • Like
    Likes Christopher Harper
    Science Advisor
    Homework Helper
    Congratulations with the 2016 award ! Gives me some hope I have a chance again this year ;-)
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