This is the profile for member jim mcnamara. This page shows details about jim mcnamara like postings stats, blog posts, latest posts, trophies won and interests. If you want to follow or message this user you must register an account.
jim mcnamara
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  • D
    Hi Jim, in one of your comments from 2015, to cool water, you recommend placing a pipe 12 feet underground going back-and-forth so a lot of pipe can be put in a smaller area.
    My question is: what is the ratio of how much surrounding soil must there be around the pipe, separating it from other pipe, so that the soil does not start to heat up. Or must this be done experimentally?
    I am asking because I have also seen this suggested to condense water from the atmosphere. Many thanks,
    Dan Kainen
    jim mcnamara
    jim mcnamara
    12ft deep, you may need deeper depending on soil moisture and frost depth. The USDA's county agent can help with that.
    Find the depth at which unfrozen soil moisture exist all year long. As a rule of thumb each line of pipe needs about 12-18" of separation - vertical or horizontal. Depends on the heat load. It also affects the total length of pipe required.
    Local geothermal people are the best choice. No way should you be in a 12' deep trench. More help? Start a thread.

    Dear Jim,
    In one of your replies to a post ("Which time of the day does the sun have highest and lowest UVA") you stated that UVB is at least a thousand times more damaging to your skin than UVA. However, except for the link you added, I can't find any information on the internet that supports this claim. Do you perhaps have some references to scientific articles that come to that same conclusion?
    Thank you so much in advance!
    Gold Member
    Is that Redi Killowatt inside the vacuum tube? Cool!
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    Likes Ankesh
    jim mcnamara
    jim mcnamara
    Yes. Most people do not know his name.
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    Likes RobertArvanitis
    Gold Member
    Congratulations again on getting the Mentor title! You deserve it and I'm glad the biology forum has you! :) I tried to PM you but it wouldn't let me!
    Gold Member
    Jim, Have you read Paul & Anne Erlich's book, "The Dominant Animal"?
    Gold Member
    Dear Mr. McNamara, is your primary interest in one of the earth sciences? Thank you.
    Sanborn Chase
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