Hydraulic jump Definition and 11 Threads

  1. L

    Calculating Hydraulic Jump with Unknown Cross Sectional Area: Help Needed

    I have 90% of this done. When i looked in my manual i noticed an odd jump they made and i don't get why. that is where i need the help V1(b1h1) = V1(b2h2) Im solving for h2. What i can't figure out is what to use for the base measurement of the cross section of the water. i have no idea how...
  2. B

    A Hydraulic jumps: Why do they occur when/where they do?

    Hi guys, I've been doing some light reading on hydraulic jumps. For example: So I've been through the basics, super critical to sub ciritcal etc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_jump So far I understand that the jump occurs at the two points either side of the critical depth, like we...
  3. Clara Chung

    Question about hydraulic jump assumptions

    Sorry for the poor image... A better picture can be viewed here https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyi01l27vu2fwyw/96.png?dl=0 I don't understand the assumption in the red box... If I don't ignore the atmospheric pressure, F_1 = integrate from 0 to h_1 (ρg(h_1-z)+p_a)dz = 1/2 ρgh_1^2 + p_a*h_1, similarly...
  4. P

    What Is the Volume Flux for a Hydraulic Jump?

    Homework Statement Problem is given in this image, https://gyazo.com/454370ff9549dcd7c53604ebfe5df105 Homework Equations Continuity or conservation of mass equation: \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial w}{\partial z} = 0 Where u is the horizontal velocity and w is the vertical...
  5. F

    Understanding Hydraulic Jump: Basics & Calcs

    Homework Statement http://www.brighthubengineering.com/hydraulics-civil-engineering/55054-open-channel-flow-basics-hydraulic-jump-calculations/ In th earlier part of this notes , i was told that the The hydraulic jump is an abrupt transition to subcritical from supercritical flow. but , in...
  6. M

    How to Solve Hydraulic Jump Problems with Conservation of Momentum and Mass?

    Homework Statement The question is stated here, though I'm happy to repost but they include a picture. I should say this is not homework, I'm doing problems for practice. http://web.mit.edu/2.25/www/5_pdf/5_04.pdf Homework Equations Conservation of momentum/mass The Attempt at a Solution...
  7. J

    Horizontal open channel flow -- Hydraulic jump calculation

    Dear Fellow Engineers I'm having an issues with my calculations. This case concerns a open channel flow that start off being supercritical on the left and turns into subcritical flow after a hydraulic jump. Given: Volume flow rate Q = 0.16m^3/s Width of the channel b = 1m Resulting...
  8. M

    Impact force on a falling object that spreads

    Hi, Homework Statement I'm doing some research into the hydraulic jump and was wanting some help in calculating the impact force. Hydraulic jump is a phenomenon to do with the turbulence of the water - it is the 'ring' around the stream of water when a tap is turned on Homework Equations The...
  9. M

    Impact Force of a falling object causing it to spread out

    Hi, I'm doing some research into the hydraulic jump and was wanting some help in calculating the impact force. The equation I have found to use is: F = m g h / s I have the mgh, and was wondering what to use as the slow down distance. If you didn't know what the hydraulic jump was, it is a...
  10. R

    Shear Forces Explained: Hydraulic Jump

    Please, say me what are shear forces. I've been looking for it because I was studying a phenomenon called hydraulic jump. In this example, are these forces caused by the cohesion forces?
  11. P

    Project: Hydraulic Jump or Ball Spin

    These are the problems I have to choose between for a school project entering a competition. There are other problems but these are the ones I'm torn between. Hydraulic jump When a smooth column of water hits a horizontal plane, it flows out radially. At some radius, its height suddenly...