A Space Geek's Return to the Forums

  • #1
Laura Forczyk
Hello all! I was a member of this forum years ago when I was a student. A drive to give back to the community has brought me back here as a professional. I hope that I can help with my limited experiences!

I live on the Space Coast of Florida and work at Kennedy Space Center. I help to run a newspace startup company. I have a B.S. in astronomy/astrophysics, an M.S. in physics/astrophysics, and I'm a PhD drop-out (ABD) in physics/planetary science. In my short career thus far, I've worked as a researcher studying cataclysmic variables, gamma-ray bursts, and planetary dust dynamics, and I've also worked as a space industry analyst, a research analyst for International Space Station payloads, and now preparing for my company's future parabolic/"zeroG" and suborbital flights. I'm also a newlywed to a PhD economist and we're working through the two-body problem.

I've recently entered the world of blogging [mentor note: personal contact details deleted] and I'm reaching out to communities to increase my connection with students. This forum is part of my efforts. Hope I can help. I look forward to communicating with you!
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Laura. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5725/red5e5etimes5e5e45e5e25.gif

Welcome back, and congratulations on your many achievements. It is pleasing to have former student members return. :smile:

I need to point out the PF policy of not allowing promotion in posts of personal blogs or offsite contacts.
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  • #3
Sorry about that! I jus re-read the guidelines and I don't see that particular rule listed. Is it an unwritten rule? I also note that someone has their personal website in their signature so I'm guessing that's allowed?
  • #4
Laura Forczyk said:
Sorry about that! I jus re-read the guidelines and I don't see that particular rule listed. Is it an unwritten rule? I also note that someone has their personal website in their signature so I'm guessing that's allowed?
Hi Laura, welcome back.

I believe that these three areas of our guidelines cover your question.

Personal Information:
Refrain from disclosing personal information about yourself or third parties, information such as hometown, real name, email address... The staff may edit out such information if posted. Also, do not post personal communications, such as emails or conversations, with third parties.

Advertising & Spam:
Advertising for personal gain of any kind is not permitted in any forum. Commercial spam will result in an immediate ban. Posting science website links will be permitted occasionally, but will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
  • Gold Members:
    Certain categories of members (gold members, Mentors, etc.) may use automatic signatures that can be set via the member's control panel. These cannot contain images, must be no longer than four lines, must not conflict with PF's rules for content, and must not link to sites that conflict with those rules. Other members must not use signatures, including manually-appended ones.
  • #5
Welcome to the forum.

Laura Forczyk said:
I'm also a newlywed to a PhD economist and we're working through the two-body problem.

Beware - it easily converts into a three body problem and the math gets much more complicated.
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Likes DennisN and Bandersnatch
  • #6
Borek said:
Beware - it easily converts into a three body problem and the math gets much more complicated.
As long as the mass of the third body is small compared to the other two, there are some static solutions.
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Likes mfb and Borek
  • #7
Bandersnatch said:
As long as the mass of the third body is small compared to the other two, there are some static solutions.

I am not sure having the small body in a Lagrange point is ideal for its development.
  • #8
Ha! Thanks guys. We're trying for a tiny third body at the moment, and then a fourth, and then a fifth... Thankfully the masses of my husband and I are large enough to carry the little ones with us, until they outweigh me at least.

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