Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$?

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of proving that if $[a]$ and $[b]$ are in the group ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$, then $[a] \times [b]$ is also in the group. A counterexample is provided, but it is shown that the elements $[a]$ and $[b]$ do have multiplicative inverses. It is then proven that $[ab]$ also has a multiplicative inverse and is therefore also an element of the group.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dear Everybody,

I don't know where to begin. So Here is the problem:
Prove that if $[a]$ and $$ are in ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$, then $[a] \times $ is in ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$.

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  • #2
Hi Cbarker1.

This is not true. For example: $[2]\in\left(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z\right)^\times$ and $[3]\in\left(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z\right)^\times$ but $[2]\times[3]=[2\times3]=[6]=[0]\not\in\left(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z\right)^\times$.
  • #3
[QUOTE=Olinguito;114000]Hi Cbarker1.

This is not true. For example: $[2]\in\left(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z\right)^\times$ and $[3]\in\left(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z\right)^\times$ but $[2]\times[3]=[2\times3]=[6]=[0]\not\in\left(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z\right)^\times$.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I forget to define the set:

${\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z}^{\times}=\left\{[a] \in{\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z}^{\times}: GCD(a,n)=1 \right\}$

I think the counterexample is wrong? If not, please explain.
  • #4
Cbarker1;114002 I think the counterexample is wrong? If not said:
What don't you understand? The example shows that \(\displaystyle [2] \times [3] \equiv [0]\). By your own definition of the module no representation of [0] exists in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z} ^{\text{x}}\). In case this isn't clear the set \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z} ^{\text{x}} = \{ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] \}\), so [0] is not a member of the set. This is in contrast to \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}/ n \mathbb{Z}\) which does contain [0].

  • #5
topsquark said:
What don't you understand? The example shows that \(\displaystyle [2] \times [3] \equiv [0]\). By your own definition of the module no representation of [0] exists in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z} ^{\text{x}}\). In case this isn't clear the set \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z} ^{\text{x}} = \{ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] \}\), so [0] is not a member of the set. This is in contrast to \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}/ n \mathbb{Z}\) which does contain [0].

Thanks for the clarification. I understand.
  • #6
Cbarker1 said:
Sorry, I forget to define the set:
${\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z}^{\times}=\left\{[a] \in{\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z}^{\times}: GCD(a,n)=1 \right\}$
Ah, I get it. So we want to show that if $\gcd(a,n)=\gcd(b,n)=1$ then $\gcd(ab,n)=1$. That is exactly what the problem is asking – in simpler, non-group-theory language.

There are integers $r,s,t,u\in\mathbb Z$ such that
$$ra+sn\ =\ 1\ \cdots\ \fbox1 \\ tb+un\ =\ 1\ \cdots\ \fbox2.$$
From these, you want to get an equation of the form $Rab+Sn=1$, $R,S\in\mathbb Z$. Can you do that? Hint:
Multiply $\fbox1$ by $b$ and substitute for $b$ in $\fbox2$.
  • #7
Erm... in group theory $(\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z)^\times$ is the set $\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z$ with the usual multiplication $\times$ and with all elements removed that do not have a multiplicative inverse, so that if forms a group.
So $(\mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z)^\times$ only has the elements $[1]$ and $[5]$. It is isomorphic to $(\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z)^\times$, and also to $\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z$ (with addition).So indeed, the problem asks to verify that $[ab]$ has a multiplicative inverse.
And it is already given that $[a]$ and $$ have multiplicative inverses.
We can call them $[a]^{-1}$ respectively $^{-1}$.
In the example $[5]^{-1}=[5]$ as we can see that $5\times 5 \bmod{6}=1$. Suppose we try $[ab]^{-1}=^{-1}\times[a]^{-1}$.
Then $[ab]\times[ab]^{-1}=[a]\times\times^{-1}\times[a]^{-1}=[1]$.
Therefore $[ab]$ has a multiplicative inverse and both are elements of $(\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z)^\times$.
  • #8
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Erm... in group theory the set $(\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z)^\times$ is the set $\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z$ with the usual multiplication $\times$ and with all elements removed that do not have a multiplicative inverse, so that if forms a group.
Yeah, I was thinking about that problem in the shower this morning. (I do my best thinking there. I need to get a girlfriend to rub lotion on my back!) Thanks for the catch.


FAQ: Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$?

1. Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$ if $a$ and $b$ are both relatively prime to $n$?

Yes, if $a$ and $b$ are both relatively prime to $n$, then $[a]$ and $[b]$ will also be relatively prime in ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$, and their product $[a] \times [b]$ will also be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$.

2. Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$ if either $a$ or $b$ is a multiple of $n$?

No, if either $a$ or $b$ is a multiple of $n$, then their corresponding equivalence classes $[a]$ or $[b]$ will be equal to $[0]$, which is not an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$.

3. Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$ if $a$ and $b$ are not relatively prime to $n$?

No, if $a$ and $b$ are not relatively prime to $n$, then their corresponding equivalence classes $[a]$ and $[b]$ will not be relatively prime in ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$, and their product $[a] \times [b]$ will not be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$.

4. Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$ if $a$ or $b$ is negative?

Yes, in the context of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$, negative numbers are equivalent to their positive counterparts. Therefore, if $[a]$ or $[b]$ is negative, it can be rewritten as a positive number and their product $[a] \times [b]$ will still be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$.

5. Can $[a] \times [b]$ be an element of ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$ if $n$ is not a prime number?

Yes, ${\Z / n\Z}^{\times}$ is the set of all equivalence classes of integers relatively prime to $n$. This set can still exist even if $n$ is not a prime number, as long as there are integers that are relatively prime to $n$.

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