Chi-Squared Test on a table of Binomial Variates - Finding the expected frequencies

In summary, a Chi-Squared test is a statistical method used to determine if there is a significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies in a contingency table. It is commonly used to analyze categorical data and determine if there is a relationship between two variables. It can also be used on a table of Binomial Variates to compare the observed frequencies to a theoretical distribution. The expected frequency in a Chi-Squared test is calculated based on the null hypothesis and the Chi-Squared statistic is then used to determine if the results are statistically significant. The null hypothesis in a Chi-Squared test states that any differences between the observed and expected frequencies are due to chance or random sampling error.
  • #1

Carry out a chi-squared test for the following table of frequencies of X ∼ Binomial(5,p) variates when (a) p = 0.3

x 0 1 2 3 4 5
Observed 162 346 303 149 36 4

Now I know how to carry out the chi-squared test once I have found the expected frequencies but the answers states that the frequencies are,

x 0 1 2 3 4 5
Exp(p = 0.3) 168.1 360.2 308.7 132.3 28.4 2.4

What formula did they use to calculate these frequencies?

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  • #2

Are you asking for why "expected frequency" is treated the same as "probability"? I haven't checked the table. Is it a table for the binomial probability distribution?
  • #3


I'm asking how the figured out these expected frequencies..